Was on Leno last night. Jay was asking him if he's into winter sports and he justgives Jay this look and says "no Jay, I'm a black man. We weren't playing winter sports when your people came and captured us. We were running around chasing animal."

First I thought to myself, 'so, you don't like Basketball?' After all, it starts in fall and ends right at the begining of spring, that consititues winter sports to me. Then I thought, this is the kind of thing that African Americans say about what happened during slavery but they never tell the truth about it. We (Americans) never went and captured any Africans. African tribes would kidnap other African tribes and sell them to the English for Bronze and Steel. Then, the English would sell the slaves to America. It just pisses me off when they don't bother to state the facts. They act like America just went over to Africa, landed, and then began capturing Africans. That's total BS. As a matter of fact, if it wasn't for Africans turning on Africans in the first place, none of that stuff would have ever happened! Yet, no one wants to talk about that. It's the same thing now as it was then. It's a proven fact taht more African Americans die at the hands of other African Americans. They turned on themselves way back then and are still doing it today, yet, it's the White man who's really keeping them down.

Sorry if you are an African American, but these are the facts and I wish people would just be honest about it! I don't have a racist bone in my body, but I hate it when people don't say it like it is.