Hey guys!

I either ruptured or tore my Achillis Saturday. Man, it felt like someone landed on my calf. Everyone heard the 'snap'. I got up and tried to walk it off but I couldn't put any weight on it. I went to the ER and they did some tests and the doc is pretty sure it's a complete tear. But, just a tear of the gastroc and not the soleus. That good. If both tear, then it's real ugly. Anyways, I go in today at 3:15 for an evaluation with the Orthopedic Surgeon. From there they will schedule the surgery. I hope it's sooner than later. I was hoping for them to just do it Saturday, but what can you do?

Anyways, I will let you guys know what I find out today. Unless they just go ahead a do it today, then you may not hear from me for a few days.

Wish me luck!