Quote Originally Posted by supasaiyan99
I've met former masons from lodges in Europe and the Caribbean who have come to church to testify about the "evil" things they did as part of the masons and they always mentioned bloody rituals and rapings. I'm not sure how truthful those testimonies are though? I think these guys were high ranked members as well.

Is there a special way that a masons sits, that lets another mason know he is a msaon?
LOL! OK, this is a new one!
First, I have no idea what the Caribbean masons or the European Masons do, but I'm pretty sure these guys were pulling legs. Masons are amasons, no matter where you go in the world. They may hold their lodge meetings a little different, but I can assure you, no bloody evil things are ever done in any masonic lodge. No rapings, no satanic rituals, nothing. Heck, we can't even have Alcohol anywhere near or in the lodge.
And again, I can assure you, if there were 10 guys sitting in front of me, and only 1 was a mason, I wouldn't have any idea which one of them was a mason by the way they were sitting! We have no secret sitting rituals or signs that let me know who is a mason. We usually wear a ring, or a bumper sticker, or a lapel pin of some sort to let each other know we're masons.