this is funny as hell!

It pisses me off...

1. When people sing along to the music while i'm driving.
2. When girls sing along to the music and are singing an octave higher than the person on the cd.
3. When people get all hyped up about telling a story, and then when they're finished their one or two sentences, there's still no point to what they said.
4. When you ask someone, "Do you want a burger or pizza?" and they say "Sure".
5. When people line up to get Star Wars tickets 12 hours before they're even being sold.
6. When you go out of your way to drive someone somewhere and they don't say "Thanks for the ride" or anything along those lines.
7. When it rains the day after you get your car washed.
8. When you spend hours searching for a file, and then you ask someone else about it and they find it in 5 minutes.
9. When people chew with their mouthes open.
10. When people chew with their mouthes shut but make cement mixer sounds that make you lose your appetite.
11. When people's feet smell so bad that you don't want to breathe.
12. When people bring food in to your car without asking, and then wipe their hands on your seats when they're done.
13. When people adjust the heat, cd volume, bass, and treble while you're driving, without asking.
14. When people reach across your vision and honk the horn of your car. Meanwhile you're sitting there trying to watch the road and have no clue why the horn was honked.
15. When people scream "Oh my God!" while you're driving. You think you're about to get in to an accident, and later find out that they were just screaming about a "hot guy" or a "nice car".
16. When people try to blame you when they're caught in a lie.
17. When you've just ordered food and a drink and the minute you set it down to eat, someone grabs some of your fries and starts gulping down your drink.
17. When I think of Faizi.
18. When you're driving along enjoying the song you're listening to, and all of a sudden someone changes the song.
19. When people make up the most unbelievable lies to make themselves look better. Too bad it doesn't work!
20. When people continue to repeat themselves even after you acknowledge that you understood them the first time.
21. When people say, "Oh, I know how you feel, don't worry" when really they have no clue as to what you're feeling.
22. When people slam your car door shut after getting out if you just got in a fight.
23. When you start to speed up to pass someone and get in to their lane and they start speeding up at the same time.
24. When you're out in the intersection waiting to make a left turn, and when the light turns yellow, people continue to go through even after it turns red.
25. When you tell someone, "Be watching because I'm coming right now", then when you get to their house you have to wait in your car for up to 10 minutes before they walk out.
26. When people wear white shoes.
27. When people wear white hats.
28. When people make themselves out to be something they're not.
29. When you fill your slurpee cup up too much then when you try to get the lid on, it all runs down the sides, making everything sticky and wet.
30. When you have to pay three dollars for a coffee slurpee thing-a-ma-jig.
31. When you tell the cashier at 7-11 that you have $1.55 in candy and they have to go through the whole bag to make sure. Like I care about 10 or so cents out of my pocket.
32. When people you've never seen ask you, "May I borrow a quarter?". Why say borrow if i'll never see you again?
33. When people say "We ain't got nothing to do".
34. When people slurp their soup off their spoon.
35. When people constantly play drum rhythms on the table while you're trying to talk.
36. When people "call" guys that you and your friends all want. Then even if the guy likes you, you can't "have" him because your "friend" "called" him first.
37. When people play punch buggy, an elementary game, and they know you don't like playing it but wind up and nail you anyway.
38. When people hear a word they like and use it all day long in every sentence they say.
39. When you ask someone, "What could we do tonight?", and they say, "I don't know". Then when you ask them, "Well what would you like to do?", they say, "I don't know".
40. When people put boyfriends/girlfriends before their friends.
41. When people say something to make themselves look good, and if you don't say something like "Oh wow!!", they continue to say it until they get a good response out of you.

**Note: This wasn't originally my idea. It was done firstly by my cousin's friend Byron, and then by my cousin. So if you think it's a great idea, don't thank me! *grin*