What do you guys do to avoid overtraining? It seems like no matter what I do to deload I always end up burnt out after 8 or so weeks into a training cycle and my lifts (especially my bench) suffer big time. I typically train 4 days per week, day 1 is squat and dl, I work up to a 1 or 3rm on a variation of both lifts then it's abs and go home. Day 2 is a variation of the bench press one week equipped one week raw 1-5 rep max, some triceps and go home. Day 3 off. Day 4 is squat and dl assisstance day, I do some hammie work, abs, lats, traps. Day 5 is bench asst. day, I do delt work, triceps, and biceps if I feel like it. Days 6 and 7 off, or active rest/restoration work.