Quote Originally Posted by 46and2aheadofme
Of course it's childish, it came from a children's book and it was made into a child's movie. It's still a very good movie. As for the Christianity theme, it won't bother you if you aren't looking for it. I just think it's interesting because I wondered for a long time before this movie came out how they were going to deal with that issue.
Why is it an issue? They were Christian books written by a Christian author when a connection to Chritian principles, where's the issue? You didn't think they would water it down to be politically correct for this over sensitve nation we live in do you? When someone goes to see a Christian movie they should expect Christian things. Just like when I go to see a Quintin T. movie, I should expect to see Quintin T. things. I'd be a fool to go see a Quintin T. movie and then complain about the language, sex and murder. One knows to expect foul language, murder and sex when seeing a Quintin T. movie.