I think ONE of the craziest things we ever did was we went to this party a long long time ago and we didn't even know the guys. I don't remember how we even got invited but we went. As the night progressed and the party thinned out some one of my bros little brothers went on this clepto mission and we were like 'knock that shit off before you get us in a rumble or arrested'. So, he was cool for a while and until he found the garage. The dude's dad (who was out of town) had this killer limited edition Corvette. So, we take it for a ride. It had a targa-top but we couldn't figure how to get the dam thing off so we just took off. No one even knew we left. So, we are hauling ass around the neighborhood and out of no where woooosh....the damn targa-top shoots straight up in the air. I turn around just in time to see it hit the pavement and shatter. At this point we're basically screwed. So, we pull into this gas station to brain storm. We take the car back, but before we get to the house I jump out and walk up to the house to see if anyone is outside. The garage was off to the side of the house so we were able to get it back in without anyone noticing it. We did a thorough wipe down and went back inside. About 2 minutes after we walk in a fight breaks out between some other dudes and we all break out during the disturbance.

That's the only one I'm sharing for know, but i've got a lot kinda like it. I was a hell raiser for sure.