Does this guy know about you Byron?? If he does, then he doesn't have respect for you, do you really think that he gives a damn about any plays he may make on your gf? And what about after the formal, what they going to do then, shake hands and say goodnite, lol! I would first off find out how she feels. Question for you: Do you trust this girl your going out with?? Really trust her? If the answer is yes, then let her go. It too would depend on what this guy is like. I know many guys that can go out with a girl just for fun or hangout, but then there are the kinds that can't go out with the opposite sex without trying something. Main thing here is what this guy's personality is like, and also how you really feel gut instincts are about your gf. It takes two to tango. If he makes a play for her she would have to reciprocate for anything to happen.