Well last night my sons mother called me and ask if I would like to go get a drink and dinner,my gf had plans and I said 1 drink and a steak go for it.Well we left at 830 and before you know it its 2 in the mornin and were at a club down town dancing.Still I only had 1 drink all night I was feelin pretty go not to be hammered.So as we r leavin the club I hear someone call her name and low and behold its this dick of a guy she is some what involved with(some of u might have read a post on mc about weather I should beat his ass or not).Well my kids mom is black if u guys didn't know,anyways she goes over to talk to him for a minute,and before I know it he's callin her a ***** and me a punk white boy and shit like this.So she comes back over with me and I'm like fuk em the guys talkin shit from half a block away-he an't tryin to see me talkin that far away.Well as I take 1 more step bam this dick caught me right in the chin from the side.Well I guess he got worried since he didn't drop me,I mean don't get me wrong and I an't gonna lye on this cat he hit the shit out of me.So now his boys r out there talkin shit but my man was a bouncer there so no one was gonna jump in.Alright it was on and this bictch fukin punk started backpeddlin sayin he was sorry(I'm sure only cause boys couldn't help him).Long story short I beat the fuck out of this cat,he's the type that closes his eyes and just swings,mind it I'm not drunk so I was just catchin his ass.Next thing I know this mutha fuker wants to try and tackle me---hahahahahaha,man I think he weighs around 200 so I power bombed his ass,and stumpped the shit out of him.On the ride home she was cool about everything,my jaw is a little sore but I know he looks like some shit,I kicked the fuk out of his face.I feel better gettin a shot at the title with this guy he has been talkin shit since the begining.Oh well thought I would share it with u guys. SODA (the killa) :