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    Thread: Evolution is bunk...

    1. #1
      T-Man007's Avatar
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      Default Evolution is bunk...

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      • Evolution is bunk...
      • Evolution is bunk...

      • Evolution is bunk...
      • Evolution is bunk...
      • Evolution is bunk...
      • Evolution is bunk...
      • Evolution is bunk...
      • Evolution is bunk...
      I went to this seminar about evolution and all the genius that scientist have layed out. The guy went through countless findings of archeological digs that disprove evolution. Evolutionists believe that there have been many different time periods and they are all distinguished by the different layers of bedrock. Well, this guy went on with to explain how they have found several fossils from age periods that out date there supposed ancestors. I don't have the names but I'll get the article for anyont who wants it. But I'll give you an example.
      Creature 1 lived 400 million years ago in the A period.
      Creature 2 lived 300 million years ago in the B period and evolved form 1.
      Creature 3 lived 200 million years ago in the C period and evolved from 2.
      Creature 4 lived 100 million years ago in the D period and evolved from 3.
      Archeologists dig up fossils of creature 3 in bedrock of period A.
      Archeologists dig up fossils of creature 4 within 2 miles of fossils of creature 2 and both read the same carbon dating. Hmmmm
      Fossils of Creature 1 found with fossils of period D.

      Now this guy had the actual names of the fossils and the actual periods in which they were "supposed" to be from and the dates of discovery. Of course, this would never make the main stream news because it would force the county to change the entire scientific teaching in public schools. However, this guy did name some of the worlds best scientists who have went on record saying that evolution was a farse and that it will one day be laid to rest. You can't continue to teach something you can't prove.

      There was also a number of studies showing the severe unaccuracy of carbon dating. There was one story of a dig in the mid west where some group bought a bunch of land form a farmer. They came acroos what they said were the reamins of a 30,000 year old pig. The famer said, "no, I barried that pig myself less than 2 years ago". He knew exactly where he barried it and they had no other pig remains from that area to disprove the farmer.
      I used to have superhuman powers....until my therapist took them away.

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      Default Re: Evolution is bunk...

      I'm glad we can put this to rest. I know damn well my ancestors didn't evolve from a monkey!

      Lift for show; Eat to Grow


    3. #3
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      Default Re: Evolution is bunk...

      Even Dr. Stephen Hawking (an agnostic) has gone on record saying that there is overwhelming evidence that there is intelligent design behind our universe.

    4. #4
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      Default Re: Evolution is bunk...

      ok but why does there have to be one or the other....evolution to me is simply evolving as a species no?? do u guys think we are no different than people in jesus time....do u not think we have evolved since then....species adapt to their enviroments in order to survive....is that not evolution? in my eyes its an on going thing not just the past of how we were created

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      Default Re: Evolution is bunk...

      I no understand T-Man, if Creature 4 lived 2 million yrs before Creature 2 then how can the carbon test be the same?? Unless the two Creatures are of the same age? Also, and this is my theory, is that there are some species of lower class vertabre that somehow didn't become extinct. There is evidence to this fact in some lower class aquadic life. The colenticath (sp) fish which was that to have been extinct millions of yrs ago was found off the coast of Africa alive in the 1950's, and also some species of plants. Hell, they just discovered a pigmy primate in Australlia that can fit in the palm of your hand. It is the smallest primate, just discovered a few yrs ago. I am alway facinated by this. I told myself someday when i retire that i will investigate some of the urban myths and creatures to see if they exist, like the Loch Ness, and Bigfoot. I will use my own money and take two or three good bros to find the biotches.

    6. #6
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      Default Re: Evolution is bunk...

      Quote Originally Posted by edvedr
      ok but why does there have to be one or the other....evolution to me is simply evolving as a species no?? do u guys think we are no different than people in jesus time....do u not think we have evolved since then....species adapt to their enviroments in order to survive....is that not evolution? in my eyes its an on going thing not just the past of how we were created
      I'm not talking about that type of evolution, I'm talking about evolving from one species to another. Micro-evolution is evident in everyday life. We gradually evolve to more than what we once were but our species will never change.

    7. #7
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      Default Re: Evolution is bunk...

      I think i saw a show on Discovery or the History chan or something about how they found a fossil that was a reptile that showed the starting growth of wings.

    8. #8
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      Default Re: Evolution is bunk...

      Quote Originally Posted by edvedr
      ok but why does there have to be one or the other....evolution to me is simply evolving as a species no?? do u guys think we are no different than people in jesus time....do u not think we have evolved since then....species adapt to their enviroments in order to survive....is that not evolution? in my eyes its an on going thing not just the past of how we were created
      No it's not evolution, it's exactly what you said adapting to the environment. Evolution is the evolving of a species to another species, you know from monkey to man, that's big difference from adapting to the environment you live in.


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      Default Re: Evolution is bunk...

      well i guess u 2 shut me up

    10. #10
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      Default Re: Evolution is bunk...

      The sad part is the are people that believe in the Lord that say that God orchestrated evolution. Which is not what evolutionist say or believe.

      Here's are some quotes, "If we admit God into the process, Darwin argued, then God would ensure that only the right variations occured...and natural selection would be superfluous" quoting: Gertrude Himmelfarb, Darwinism and the Darwinian Revolution pp 329-30

      "man is the result of a purposeless and natural process that did not have him in mind" George Gaylord Simpson, The Meaning of Evolution p 345

      The whole idea of evolution is to remove God from the equation and now we have Christians try to say God was involved in evilution(intended) and the 6 days of creation are time periods not literal 24 hour days. Why would Christians try and say that something that was started by man to do way with God and His design. Some how now interprets the bible of the creation account, when it was intended to do away with the creation account.

      II Corinthians 10:5
      "casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ"

      Colossians 2:8
      "Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ."

      These Scriptures don't call us to adopt the ideas of the world and work them into Gods creation or plan, by doing that they fufill these Scriptures

      Romans 1:22-23
      "Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man"


    11. #11
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      Default Re: Evolution is bunk...

      Quote Originally Posted by edvedr
      well i guess u 2 shut me up
      That wasn't the intent Bro


    12. #12
      T-Man007's Avatar
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      Default Re: Evolution is bunk...

      Jonny, that's what I like about you. Always bringing it back to scripture. God bless you for that.

      Mick, that's just the point. The carbon dating was wrong because carbon dating is not accurate. There are calculations that are entered into the equation when using carbon dating. These calculations are based on the supposed environmental conditions during the life of the fossils. That's the joke. Since man has no concrete evidence of how the environmental conditions were while these fossils where alive, hoe do they know what to enter into the equation. The make guestimations. It's a guess. That fish you mentioned was supposedly extinct for millions of years but yet they caught one alive. That too disproves the accuracy of carbon dating. There are also drawings and carvings of dinosaurs that have been found in caves and in metal by modern man. The drawings deplict both sea and land dinosaurs yet the carvings and drawings are from ceturies ago. How can a man draw or carve something that hadn't been discovered yet? Things that make you go hmmmm.
      I used to have superhuman powers....until my therapist took them away.

    13. #13
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      Default Re: Evolution is bunk...

      Lol, i don't mean to sound rude, but what your saying T-man does not make sence. Ouote: "There are also drawings and carvings of dinosaurs that have been found in caves and in metal by modern man. The drawings deplict both sea and land dinosaurs yet the carvings and drawings are from ceturies ago. How can a man draw or carve something that hadn't been discovered yet?" You just said here men drew and carved sea and land dinosaurs from centuries ago. So the dinosaurs were from millions of yrs before so that is not a correct statement. Also carbon dating has become an accurate science. I don't have the names of the technical machines they use but it is very accurate. If anything it is the time lines that may be off a few hundred yr, but that is all. I think these are more flutes of nature. Either being the levels of time lines in the earth may have eroded to make appear that both periods are of the same period or some of the sea life survived those periods. The fish being caught off the coast of Africa has nothing to do with carbon dating. It is just a fluke of nature that had been living there and never discovered. The oceans and even lakes are so vast and deep that it is impossible to cover all these areas without overlooking some species. I believe there are other yet to be discovered. As far as evolution is concerned, could it be that maybe this only pretains to animals, plant life, single celled organizms? All we have proof on in mans evolution is some bones from a female the scientists call "Sally". Just a thought.

    14. #14
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      Default Re: Evolution is bunk...

      We are monkeys!

      everyday I see monkeys, apes and hairy creatures looking like apes around me!
      three doodoo is back! Hide your women!

    15. #15
      JohnnyB's Avatar
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      Default Re: Evolution is bunk...

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      • Evolution is bunk...
      • Evolution is bunk...

      • Evolution is bunk...
      • Evolution is bunk...
      • Evolution is bunk...
      • Evolution is bunk...
      • Evolution is bunk...
      • Evolution is bunk...
      Evolution is impossible, Darwin never discussed where the first cell came from or how it was formed. I'm going to recomend a DVD called "Unlocking the Mysteries of Life." In that DVD, Dr. Dean Kenyon the co-author of "Chemicalevolution Predestination" say that 5 years after the book was published one of his students ask him where did the information in the DNA cell come from. That drove him in a quest to figure this out he discovered that there is an intelligent designer. His book was the #1 book in evolutionary teaching for 20 year, now he says his book was wrong. He teachs at Berkly(sp) in Cali, so you can say he's some preacher or sunday school teacher.


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