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    Thread: no motivation anymore for anything??

    1. #1
      BigSoda's Avatar
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      Default no motivation anymore for anything??

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      • no motivation anymore for anything??
      • no motivation anymore for anything??

      • no motivation anymore for anything??
      • no motivation anymore for anything??
      • no motivation anymore for anything??
      • no motivation anymore for anything??
      • no motivation anymore for anything??
      • no motivation anymore for anything??
      This pass year has been rough for me,lost my sister to a drunk driver,gf of 5 years left me,and started a buisness that is doing well but just alot of stress,and I beat a bad addiction to oxycottins.For some reason I have no motivation to train,I have all my gear,supplements,food and everything just no drive.I will go to the gym on a monday and tell myself that Im gonna start and then comes tuesday and nogo?I dont know if my mind is in it or what,before I stopped training my body was getting to the point I wanted I was 250 at like 7% bf and I have lost much of it now.Do u all think its just stress that demotivates me not to want to train and fininsh things I start?I have never been or felt this way,I felt the best ever when I trained hard and ate right.Its amazing how working out makes your personal life fall in place,well at least for me.Sorry to ramble Im sure most dont care lol,just wanted to see if these things happen to any of yall.


    2. #2
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      Default Re: no motivation anymore for anything??

      Stress can be rough bro. A few of us here have had a rough couple of years as well. All I can tell you is keep your head up and stay focused. You'll push through, we always do, that's part of being human, we fall and get our asses right back up. Congrats on kicking oxy, that should tell you that your tough enough to handle anything else that life tosses at ya. Peace.

    3. #3
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      Default Re: no motivation anymore for anything??

      yeah big soda. take your time and foccus on what's good for you. in fact you said it - you never felt better then when you were in control. it seems control has been wrestled away from you, at least mentally. accept the fact that some things are beyond control and have to be swallowed - no matter how hard it goes down. get back on track in small steps, regain control over yourself. you're able too, you prooved it in the past. remember you're still kicking ass, dude.

    4. #4
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      Default Re: no motivation anymore for anything??

      Big Soda, sorry to hear the woes man.
      But I have been where you are. When things are really rough, sometimes we slip into self-destruction ( not-knowingly ), like messing up at work, screwing up the relationships we DO have AND letting our health go.
      The last thing we want to do is NOT be there for ourselves. We are our own best friends.

      Take the time to mourn what has troubled you. Do what you need to do to get yourself through EXCEPT hurt anyone including yourself, and that means NOT letting go of your hard work.

      I wish you the best man.
      Rock On!

    5. #5
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      Default Re: no motivation anymore for anything??

      Congrats on kicking the addiction and the obstacles in your life! Don't take this the wrong way, but it sounds like you may, i say may have a mild depression. This is nothing to be alarmed about, but the stress and things that have challenged you may has caused this onset. Many of the symptoms you express: fatiuge, loss of motivation, stress, weight or appetite loss are factors in depression. If you feel the need and you have insurance that covers metal health, it might be a good idea to consult a clinical psychologist who has a broad range of experience in this area. Just a suggestion, and it can help to have a professional evaluate. Sometimes it is not even a mental disorder, but a chemical one.

    6. #6
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      Default Re: no motivation anymore for anything??

      thanks guys,I just miss feeling energized about everything I do,and mick-g your idea sounds good as well,I think I will look into it in the morning.Thanks again everyone for your kind words.


    7. #7
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      Default Re: no motivation anymore for anything??

      I'll post more on this tomorrow but let just say now that people do car. I CARE because I've been and still am. How long has it been off the oxys?

    8. #8
      AlmostThere's Avatar
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      Default Re: no motivation anymore for anything??

      Quote Originally Posted by mick-G
      Congrats on kicking the addiction and the obstacles in your life! Don't take this the wrong way, but it sounds like you may, i say may have a mild depression. This is nothing to be alarmed about, but the stress and things that have challenged you may has caused this onset. Many of the symptoms you express: fatiuge, loss of motivation, stress, weight or appetite loss are factors in depression. If you feel the need and you have insurance that covers metal health, it might be a good idea to consult a clinical psychologist who has a broad range of experience in this area. Just a suggestion, and it can help to have a professional evaluate. Sometimes it is not even a mental disorder, but a chemical one.
      I believe mick hit it right on the head. Depression is a slippery slope its better to look into it now then later when you feel totally overwhelmed and your life is a wreck. Sometimes when life gives us the old one two punch we need a little help getting off the ropes its not a sign of weakness just a fact of life.
      With all youve been through this year if you ask me your holding up really well.

      Now go get checked out.

    9. #9
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      Default Re: no motivation anymore for anything??

      look if u got over oxy, u can get over anything else. keep ur head up and move on.... life is 2 short 2 be upset

    10. #10
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      Default Re: no motivation anymore for anything??

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    11. #11
      BigSoda's Avatar
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      Default Re: no motivation anymore for anything??

      Quote Originally Posted by LARGE&INCHARGE
      I'll post more on this tomorrow but let just say now that people do car. I CARE because I've been and still am. How long has it been off the oxys?

      about a month,it was the hardest thing I have ever done by far.

    12. #12
      O2BESOHUGE's Avatar
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      Default Re: no motivation anymore for anything??

      you need a good dedicated workout partner! to push you when you dont feel like working out. i work out harder witha partner because its more like a challenge to beat him.

      good luck soda!
      ..“Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

    13. #13
      bigjay's Avatar
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      Default Re: no motivation anymore for anything??

      It's probably all the stress, has it ever crossed your mind that maybe it's a sign of depression? Could be a possibility.

    14. #14
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      Default Re: no motivation anymore for anything??

      I can tell you now that the source of your having no motivation, and feeling "down in the dumps and depressed" is from coming off the oc. I've been there myself not too long ago and it's hard I know. Just keep your will power going. The shitty feeling will eventually suside. If you want to talk, shoot me a pm and let me know.

    15. #15
      mtnmedic's Avatar
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      Default Re: no motivation anymore for anything??

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      • no motivation anymore for anything??
      • no motivation anymore for anything??

      • no motivation anymore for anything??
      • no motivation anymore for anything??
      • no motivation anymore for anything??
      • no motivation anymore for anything??
      • no motivation anymore for anything??
      • no motivation anymore for anything??
      I feel your pain my brother. Im goin through the same depression s#it too, and I got one week left on my cycle. But im gonna fight it, and go to the gym and hit it hard. Hey bro your still young and its SATURDAY ! get out and hang with some friends today.
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