This pass year has been rough for me,lost my sister to a drunk driver,gf of 5 years left me,and started a buisness that is doing well but just alot of stress,and I beat a bad addiction to oxycottins.For some reason I have no motivation to train,I have all my gear,supplements,food and everything just no drive.I will go to the gym on a monday and tell myself that Im gonna start and then comes tuesday and nogo?I dont know if my mind is in it or what,before I stopped training my body was getting to the point I wanted I was 250 at like 7% bf and I have lost much of it now.Do u all think its just stress that demotivates me not to want to train and fininsh things I start?I have never been or felt this way,I felt the best ever when I trained hard and ate right.Its amazing how working out makes your personal life fall in place,well at least for me.Sorry to ramble Im sure most dont care lol,just wanted to see if these things happen to any of yall.
