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    Thread: No porn!!!!!

    1. #61
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      Default Re: No porn!!!!!

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      • No porn!!!!!
      • No porn!!!!!
      • No porn!!!!!
      • No porn!!!!!
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      • No porn!!!!!
      i concur, ciph..and I did feel like i was a little hard on edvdr..sorry ed. now, regarding mick's post, it appears that he is saying that:
      1) porn is ok, as long as you dont expose kids to it and it's not degrading
      2) anti-porn people may have been raised to think sex is bad
      3) he has faith in God and 'most' of the King James Bible
      4) he has taken his religious views from a combination of religions
      5) he seems to be for legalization of prostitution and certain drugs (Im assuming currently illegal drugs)

      let me make a few comments, if I may. your point of view is very common in today's society, IMO. you have a majority of "good" people that have a generally tolerant attitude. these people feel that as long as it's not hurting anyone else, its ok. these folks I like to call "fence riders". please note, mick has faith in God, but doesnt agree with all of His word (the Bible); porn is ok, as long as it's contained; drugs and immoral sex are going to happen, let's at least make a few bucks off it. this is riding the fence, tolerance. this is the state of our society by and large these days, my friends, and IMO it is not where we want to be. Jesus said either you are 100% for me or you are against me. a tolerant society, or a tolerant individual is one that will eventually, drift farther and farther away from God. we must guard ourselves from becoming tolerant of immorality.
      1) porn is immoral. it promotes lustful thinking--bad
      2) anti-porn people think sex was made for a married man and woman; they don't think sex is bad. I have never heard of an adult that was sane that thought sex was bad..have y'all? that's the problem, we as humans with lusts go overboard too often and seek out porn, affairs, prostitutes and so forth.
      3) The Bible is God's word. having faith in God and not fully believing the Bible does not work--the two are connected.
      4) Jesus said "I am the way"..you cant get a clear picture when you're fooling around with what buddha and mohammad says or whatever. these are false religions.
      5) the legalization of (and subsequent government regulation thereof) prostitution and illicit drug use is essentially a society saying these behaviors are OK. a society that says immoral sex and the use of damaging drugs is OK is a society that will no doubt feel God's wrath. we would be-in effect- trading in our morals for a few bucks from the taxes these people would pay...ridiculous!

    2. #62
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      a little hard on edvedr.....lmao that is too funny.....your really do think your something else don't you.....pl you really need to get off your high horse.....for u to be hard on me that implies i am effected by what you say.....you were not hard....you were completely wrong.....you made an attack at me by putting words in my mouth....and you seem to be avoiding that fact.....you are a judgmental narrow minded person.....i was simply asking questions in order to get different points of view....you obviously can't handle others opinions....maybe it gets you thinking too much and gets you off your path who knows....i agree with what mick said about the people that are like you are usually the ones that have been the worst in their past....and thats exactly how i picture you....you should be able to answer me cause you have seen both sides.....but you can't so that just leads to think you can't think for yourself....your just spitting back other peoples words....so you have no creditability.....and cipher thank you for being yourself....i appreciate you offering guidance to me....religion is something i am very interested in.....whether its christian or any other religion....i want to educate myself as much as possible....and if i need answers from a christian point of view i will shoot you a PM

    3. #63
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      Default Re: No porn!!!!!

      Quote Originally Posted by PL456
      i concur, ciph..and I did feel like i was a little hard on edvdr..sorry ed. now, regarding mick's post, it appears that he is saying that:
      1) porn is ok, as long as you dont expose kids to it and it's not degrading
      2) anti-porn people may have been raised to think sex is bad
      3) he has faith in God and 'most' of the King James Bible
      4) he has taken his religious views from a combination of religions
      5) he seems to be for legalization of prostitution and certain drugs (Im assuming currently illegal drugs)

      let me make a few comments, if I may. your point of view is very common in today's society, IMO. you have a majority of "good" people that have a generally tolerant attitude. these people feel that as long as it's not hurting anyone else, its ok. these folks I like to call "fence riders". please note, mick has faith in God, but doesnt agree with all of His word (the Bible); porn is ok, as long as it's contained; drugs and immoral sex are going to happen, let's at least make a few bucks off it. this is riding the fence, tolerance. this is the state of our society by and large these days, my friends, and IMO it is not where we want to be. Jesus said either you are 100% for me or you are against me. a tolerant society, or a tolerant individual is one that will eventually, drift farther and farther away from God. we must guard ourselves from becoming tolerant of immorality.
      1) porn is immoral. it promotes lustful thinking--bad
      2) anti-porn people think sex was made for a married man and woman; they don't think sex is bad. I have never heard of an adult that was sane that thought sex was bad..have y'all? that's the problem, we as humans with lusts go overboard too often and seek out porn, affairs, prostitutes and so forth.
      3) The Bible is God's word. having faith in God and not fully believing the Bible does not work--the two are connected.
      4) Jesus said "I am the way"..you cant get a clear picture when you're fooling around with what buddha and mohammad says or whatever. these are false religions.
      5) the legalization of (and subsequent government regulation thereof) prostitution and illicit drug use is essentially a society saying these behaviors are OK. a society that says immoral sex and the use of damaging drugs is OK is a society that will no doubt feel God's wrath. we would be-in effect- trading in our morals for a few bucks from the taxes these people would pay...ridiculous!
      Well, i have to say though i do respect your opinion PL, we are so far from being on the the same page! Please describe "Porn" to me? To me any material that shows a woman naked or in a sexual manner or man for that manner, or sexual act, oral or masturbation is not immoral. What is immoral is telling your pre-adult child that anything other then sex in a marriage or monogamous relationship is bad and just plain ridiculious. This is why i believe many of our current baby-boomers are seeking professional help with sexual dysfunctions. Every living thing; birds, animals, insects, and yes humans, seeks and entices the opposite sex. This is just the nature of life. Also to catagorize ppl that look at sexual material will also seek adultery or prostitutes is really unfair, come on now! Many ppl, including couples look at sexual material for entertainment or to enhance their sexuality; are you telling me this is wrong?? I think not! I understand where you are comming from although i do not know your background, i would have to say many of the "Christian", not all but many of the "born again" etc, i have found in my experience come form un-fostered homes, with either very dysfunctional homes or have committed many sins, and use the Bible to adjudicate everything in life that goes against what their views of the Bible says. Many also using the Bible as a repentance, thinking it will help them get closer to God. So untrue. Also
      this statement "4) Jesus said "I am the way"..you cant get a clear picture when you're fooling around with what buddha and mohammad says or whatever. these are false religions." Is just ludicrous and ignorant! These faiths have been around for thousands of years and some before Christianity, and to disguard them as such, is just an insult to these people! As far as the drug issue, i see much more problems with alcohol, than with what drugs iam talking about ie: marijuania including hashish and cocaine mainly). These drugs can be produced in the same potencies for legal use, much the same as alcohol, with ppl only 21yrs of age or over, with fines for if you are caught driving under the influence. As far as prostitutes, don't you think it would be better to have a system where the women and men would have to get checked before hand and have a valid licence to provide what is already being done anyway, be a better way to control the problems we already have and also help our states and cities aquire more revenue? I do not advocate prostitution, but i have read more than one article that claims that legalizing prostitution has reduced stds, hiv, and sexual crimes. I can understand your moral issues, but our system runs under the laws where everyone has the right to do what they feel is right under the law and it is not for one to intrude on this right of freedom.

    4. #64
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      Wow, with this topic, no one is getting anywhere.

      Heres my take. In christianity, sex outside a marriage is wrong. It does not however condemn you to hell. So while it is wrong in Gods eyes, if you repent you are still in Gods favor. The problem is that what the world deems Okay isnt always what the bible deems right. These 2 have a tendancy to not always coincide with each other. While God does give us free will to do whatever we want, there are consequences for those actions in the end time. Bible says "every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess the name of Jesus." So whether you believe now or not, doesnt matter, it will happen in the end time. Only difference is your given a chance at eternal life now. When your made to bow, the chance is gone.

      Bible talks about what happens in the end times. "Man will seek death and not find it." It will not be pretty if your not saved. If you dont believe in this thats fine. Ive sewn the seed and God will reap what he will. But everyone will bow in the end even if you dont believe in God, Jesus, Chritianity.


    5. #65
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      Default Re: No porn!!!!!

      Quote Originally Posted by GirlPatriot
      Anyone who thinks that this stuff can't ruin your life needs to come talk to me. I was married to a sexual addict. It is no different than any other form of addiction and it comepletely ruins your life. If you have addictive tendencies then like alcohol or drugs, avoid porn etc. like the plague.

      Thanks GP. That is so true.


    6. #66
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      Quote Originally Posted by GirlPatriot
      Anyone who thinks that this stuff can't ruin your life needs to come talk to me. I was married to a sexual addict. It is no different than any other form of addiction and it comepletely ruins your life. If you have addictive tendencies then like alcohol or drugs, avoid porn etc. like the plague.

      i understand that GP....and i have stated before that i don't have an addictive personality.....i have extremely strong will power.....so i feel i don't fall into that category....thats why i asked for PL to explain why it was bad for me.....he was unable to anwser and resorted to disrespecting me instead....i never said that i can't see how it can be bad for some people....if u want to talk about people problems with addiction it has nothing to do with porn....its the person with the addiction

    7. #67
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      Default Re: No porn!!!!!

      Sorry, but we weren't talking about whether we believe in God or not we were talking about what we were calling "porn", and excuse my phrasing, but who are you to insinuate whether I or anyone else believes in God or not, lol! I have read the Bible and know its contents, so i don't really have to be reintroduced on the word, no offence. I personally don't agree with what all the "world has to say", but i do have a mind of my own and i will believe what i want. I am personally insulted, as im sure others that someone has to denounce other ppls faiths, whether it be Budisum or Muslim just because they are ignorant and too narrow minded to see otherwise. It would be like someone denouncing "Christianity", would you not take offence to that? As far as addictions are concerned, I would have to agree, but only to that if you have addiction tendencies then you could have addictions to other things. I personally don't think that watching what is considered porn will make anyone go over the edge into adultery or seek prostitutes, unless you have the inclination in the beginning.

    8. #68
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      First off, I didnt incinuate who did or did not believe in Christ. Get your facts straight. I never insulted you so dont pull that card either.

      Porn is looking at another womens maked body that is not your wife. If your not married, you shouldnt be looking at any naked women. That is porn albeit soft porn


    9. #69
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      Default Re: No porn!!!!!

      Quote Originally Posted by Cipher
      Wow, with this topic, no one is getting anywhere.

      Heres my take. In christianity, sex outside a marriage is wrong. It does not however condemn you to hell. So while it is wrong in Gods eyes, if you repent you are still in Gods favor. The problem is that what the world deems Okay isnt always what the bible deems right. These 2 have a tendancy to not always coincide with each other. While God does give us free will to do whatever we want, there are consequences for those actions in the end time. Bible says "every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess the name of Jesus." So whether you believe now or not, doesnt matter, it will happen in the end time. Only difference is your given a chance at eternal life now. When your made to bow, the chance is gone.

      Bible talks about what happens in the end times. "Man will seek death and not find it." It will not be pretty if your not saved. If you dont believe in this thats fine. Ive sewn the seed and God will reap what he will. But everyone will bow in the end even if you dont believe in God, Jesus, Chritianity.

      This is what i was reffering to after my post above it. And as far the insult, i was reffering to PL's statement
      "4) Jesus said "I am the way"..you cant get a clear picture when you're fooling around with what buddha and mohammad says or whatever. these are false religions". And as far as your "Porn is looking at another womens maked body that is not your wife. If your not married, you shouldnt be looking at any naked women. That is porn albeit soft porn"; sorry, but i don't agree at all. There is nothing wrong or immoral about looking at the opposite sexes body, lol.

    10. #70
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      Then this is where well have to agree to disagree. No amount of arguing is going to change any of our opinions. The opinions have been stated and we'll let whoever is reading this thread decide for themselves.

      I vote we close this thread.


    11. #71
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      • No porn!!!!!
      No arguing here, just we have very different views, lol. My main prob is having ppl disrespecting other ppl's faiths.

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