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    Thread: No porn!!!!!

    1. #46
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      Default Re: No porn!!!!!

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      Quote Originally Posted by pigmeat
      and you are saying back alley hoes dont spread Aids?
      I didnt say they were the highest, but yes disease is spread, and they are not forced to take precautions, or to be tested.
      I'm sure they do but that also makes for a very small percentage. How about all of the skanks hanging out it bars that'll go home with any schmoe who'll ask? Even testing the legal ones isn't going to make a dent in HIV transmission even if every guy that walks through door is required to have an up to date health card, they're just too small of a percentage. Not to mention the legalization of prostitution would be just one more step towards the erosion of family values.

    2. #47
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      Default Re: No porn!!!!!

      well, edvdr..

      I would suggest you start by simply reading the Bible and attending a Christian-based church regularly. When you simply read the Bible and make it a part of your day then you will begin to draw closer to God. It is really amazing how He works when you take the time to sit down and read His book. The other books may be good and all, but for me the Bible is the be-all end-all. Get a New International Version, so that it's easier to read than the King James version. Do you have a Bible at home?

      If you are serious in your pursuit, think of it in terms of other areas in your life you've researched and put time into before. How much did you read up about before you began doing juice? How much effort have you put into reading up to do better at your work, etc? How much time do you put into looking at pornography? I guarantee you that if you put 1/2 as much time in sitting down and reading through God's word, things will get much clearer for you and a light will come on in that dark room you are in. I will be praying for you. As I posted some weeks ago, after I was saved (about 7 1/2 yrs ago), things gradually became clearly black and white for me in terms of right and wrong. Life is so much better...not necessarily easier, but definitely better.

    3. #48
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      Default Re: No porn!!!!!


      Internet Porn: Worse than Crack?

      By Ryan Singel | Also by this reporter Page 1 of 1

      11:00 AM Nov. 19, 2004 PT

      Internet pornography is the new crack cocaine, leading to addiction, misogyny, pedophilia, boob jobs and erectile dysfunction, according to clinicians and researchers testifying before a Senate committee Thursday.

      Witnesses before the Senate Commerce Committee's Science, Technology and Space Subcommittee spared no superlative in their description of the negative effects of pornography.

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      Today's the Day. Mary Anne Layden, co-director of the Sexual Trauma and Psychopathology Program at the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Cognitive Therapy, called porn the "most concerning thing to psychological health that I know of existing today."

      "The internet is a perfect drug delivery system because you are anonymous, aroused and have role models for these behaviors," Layden said. "To have drug pumped into your house 24/7, free, and children know how to use it better than grown-ups know how to use it -- it's a perfect delivery system if we want to have a whole generation of young addicts who will never have the drug out of their mind."

      Pornography addicts have a more difficult time recovering from their addiction than cocaine addicts, since coke users can get the drug out of their system, but pornographic images stay in the brain forever, Layden said.

      Jeffrey Satinover, a psychiatrist and advisor to the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality echoed Layden's concern about the internet and the somatic effects of pornography.

      "Pornography really does, unlike other addictions, biologically cause direct release of the most perfect addictive substance," Satinover said. "That is, it causes masturbation, which causes release of the naturally occurring opioids. It does what heroin can't do, in effect."

      The internet is dangerous because it removes the inefficiency in the delivery of pornography, making porn much more ubiquitous than in the days when guys in trench coats would sell nudie postcards, Satinover said.

      Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kansas), the subcommitee's chairman, called the hearing the most disturbing one he'd ever seen in the Senate. Brownback said porn was ubiquitous now, compared to when he was growing up and "some guy would sneak a magazine in somewhere and show some of us, but you had to find him at the right time."

      The hearing came just days after a controversy over a sexually suggestive Monday Night Football ad that has many foreseeing a crackdown on indecency by the Federal Communications Commission.

      It is unclear what the consequences of Thursday's hearing will be since it was not connected to any pending or proposed legislation.

      Brownback, a conservative Christian, is also scheduled to be rotated off the sub-committee in the next session.

      When Brownback asked the panelists for suggestions about what should be done, the responses were mild, considering their earlier indictment of pornography. Several suggested that federal money be allocated to fund brain-mapping studies into the physical effects of pornography.

      Judith Reisman of the California Protective Parents Association suggested that more study of "erototoxins" could show how pornography is not speech-protected under the First Amendment.

      The panelists all agreed that the government should fund health campaigns to educate the public about the dangers of pornography. The campaign should combat the messages of pornography by putting signs on buses saying sex with children is not OK, said Layden.

      However, as the panelists themselves acknowledged, there is no consensus among mental health professionals about the dangers of porn or the use of the term "pornography addiction."

      Many psychologists and most sexologists find the concepts of sex and pornography addiction problematic, said Carol Queen, staff sexologist for the San Francisco-based, woman-owned Good Vibrations.

      Queen questioned the validity of the panel for not including anyone who thinks "pornography is not particularly problematic in most people's lives."

      Queen acknowledges she can name people who have compulsive and destructive behavior centered on pornography, but argues that can happen with other activities, such as gambling and shopping.

      Queen also criticized the methodology behind research showing that pornography stimulates the brain like drugs do, saying the research needs to take into account how sex itself stimulates the brain.

      "There's no doubt the brain lights up when sexually aroused," Queen said.

      Queen too would like to see more money devoted to research on sex, but thinks it is unlikely that researchers on either side of the divide are likely to receive large grants any time soon.

      Studies intended to show the harmful effects of pornography must contend with ethical rules prohibiting harm to human subjects, while sex researchers have a hard time getting any funding, unless their study is specifically HIV-related, according to Queen.
      Happiness is a mental decision, often a challenge of huge magnitude but still no more and no less than a choice one makes each day. Time will pass and end for one and all, it's the things we think and do that will define us. The day unfolds before you, what will you write upon it's pages?- Chris Rice 08/2007

    4. #49
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      Default Re: No porn!!!!!

      PL456 , Cipher, kite

      its really encouraging to have fellow Christians who openly discuss their faith.

      I want to direct you (err, everyone) to a website / church that has been an immesurable help to me. https://www.desiringgod.org Its a reformed church (Baptist) in Minneapolis MN and they recently held a conference titled

      'Sex and the Supremacy of Christ'

      You can listen to (download mp3 or stream) all the sermons from the conference here: https://www.desiringgod.org/news_even...004/audio.html

      A really Christ centered, God glorifying church. The Bible, of course should be your first and last resource, but for a little help I recommend this particular minstry. I look forward to some fruitful and likely spirited discussions.

      ps: they have a forum: https://forum.desiringgod.org.uk/

    5. #50
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      Default Re: No porn!!!!!

      Quote Originally Posted by pigmeat
      I think prostitution should be legal.....They would be tested and the spread of aids would be reduced significantly. Dont believe me? Look at the amount of STD's that are spread through some of the legal Brothels in certain nevada counties.......virtually none! Then look at what is spread from the streets!
      Porn is fine, IMO as long as you dont revolve your life around it. I will prbaply go to the titty bar tonight, and enjoy the scenery, and suck down a few cold ones...does that make me a bad guy?
      That's the craziest thing I've ever heard. The disease can lay dormant for 7 years. That mean you can spread it without it ever showing up on a blood test. Then there are carriers. People who never actually get aids but they spread it to others. Prostitution is one fo the most sinful acts a man can commit. Everything about it just say to God, "we don't care what you want, we want to do what we want". I pitty the man with that kind of heart.

      Porn is fine for anyone not seeking a life pleasing to God. Anyone who does so willingly, does not know God. I'm not saying your a bad guy. God knows I did my share before I came to know him better and found how much that behavior contradicts me claiming to be a Christian. It's a matter of personal principles.
      I used to have superhuman powers....until my therapist took them away.

    6. #51
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      Default Re: No porn!!!!!

      Quote Originally Posted by T-Man007
      That's the craziest thing I've ever heard. The disease can lay dormant for 7 years. That mean you can spread it without it ever showing up on a blood test. Then there are carriers. People who never actually get aids but they spread it to others. Prostitution is one fo the most sinful acts a man can commit. Everything about it just say to God, "we don't care what you want, we want to do what we want". I pitty the man with that kind of heart.

      Porn is fine for anyone not seeking a life pleasing to God. Anyone who does so willingly, does not know God. I'm not saying your a bad guy. God knows I did my share before I came to know him better and found how much that behavior contradicts me claiming to be a Christian. It's a matter of personal principles.

      "The internet is a perfect drug delivery system because you are anonymous, aroused and have role models for these behaviors," Layden said. "To have drug pumped into your house 24/7, free, and children know how to use it better than grown-ups know how to use it -- it's a perfect delivery system if we want to have a whole generation of young addicts who will never have the drug out of their mind."

      Pornography addicts have a more difficult time recovering from their addiction than cocaine addicts, since coke users can get the drug out of their system, but pornographic images stay in the brain forever, Layden said.

      Jeffrey Satinover, a psychiatrist and advisor to the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality echoed Layden's concern about the internet and the somatic effects of pornography.

      "Pornography really does, unlike other addictions, biologically cause direct release of the most perfect addictive substance," Satinover said. "That is, it causes masturbation, which causes release of the naturally occurring opioids. It does what heroin can't do, in effect."
      Happiness is a mental decision, often a challenge of huge magnitude but still no more and no less than a choice one makes each day. Time will pass and end for one and all, it's the things we think and do that will define us. The day unfolds before you, what will you write upon it's pages?- Chris Rice 08/2007

    7. #52
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      Default Re: No porn!!!!!

      Why did you quote me and then give that response?

      It makes no sense in comparison to what you quoted?!?
      I used to have superhuman powers....until my therapist took them away.

    8. #53
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      Default Re: No porn!!!!!

      Quote Originally Posted by T-Man007
      Why did you quote me and then give that response?

      It makes no sense in comparison to what you quoted?!?

      I misread your quote..i was trying to side with you. I had a close friend who was very addicted to online porn but they got help thru their pastor and a free online service that tracks everywhere her husband who go online and it would send a report to her and then they would sit down togther and discuss what sites he visited and why. if anyone is interested in this ffree software visit https://www.x3watch.com/download.htm
      Happiness is a mental decision, often a challenge of huge magnitude but still no more and no less than a choice one makes each day. Time will pass and end for one and all, it's the things we think and do that will define us. The day unfolds before you, what will you write upon it's pages?- Chris Rice 08/2007

    9. #54
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      see i can't even imagine not having control over what i do when it comes to tis stuff....maybe thats why i don't agree with you guys....

    10. #55
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      Default Re: No porn!!!!!

      edvdr, this is a religious discussion. if you enjoy looking at pornography, you do not have religion. God gave us all a free will, even to do bad things. looking at porn is bad. if you cannot see and agree that pornography is a bad thing then you are truly lost. also, I forgot who posted this, I think it was you but forgive me if it wasnt, but did you tell me that you had porn magazines when you were eight years old? man, what was going on in your house that led you to that sort of trash at such a young age? and for your mother (or who ever posted this) to in effect condone porn use by no stepping between you and porn magazines (the poster said his mother delivers his porn mags sometimes) is really unfortunate. I really really enncourage you to read the Bible and attend church, soon.

    11. #56
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      reread the post PL.....i said my mother was taking away porn mags from me when i was 8...ones that i got from the older kids in the area.....how does that say anything about my house hold...watch what u say mr perfect....then later you asked if i would be embarressed if my mother found out i look at porn....i replied by sayin my mother works for me and i have playboy delivered to my office...when she gets the mail, she puts it on my desk....you encourage me...now why would i listen to you when you won't even confirm if those words were correct...you would rather guess to make your attack at me fit....and yes this is a religous discussion and i have every right to say whatever i want....even if you don't agree with what i say....u seem to think this is a forum to preach....well its not....its for discussion and if you can't handle my opinion then your the one with the problem....the next time u wanna encourage someone to attend church why don't you remove the condisending (sp)words and actually try to reach a person...and keep remarks of ones family out of it....its people with your attitude that drives me away from religion....i never spoke to you with anything but respect....i guess its too much to ask for the same in return

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      Default Re: No porn!!!!!

      well, what i said makes sense, I cannot make sense, however out of your post. becoming angry about your decision to participate in a morally bankrupt activity will not solve the problem. I am merely making suggestions and observations (please see my "judging" post). this is usually what happens when one feels threatened by the truth, they react with anger.

      i hope you really get alot out of looking at the airbrushed, silicone, plastic surgery pictures this evening pumped out by the evil porn kings of california and new york---ouch, sorry, that was a cheap shot, but its true and we all know it..its a cheap, cheap thrill.

    13. #58
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      PL it had nothing to do with being threatened by the truth....you were completely wrong in what you said.....you twisted my words and made them say someting i did not.....you have no argument cause the words are farther up in the post and everyone can plainly see them....your whole post before this was based on things i really did not say....and once again when confronted you respond with a silly post making no sense and implies like i simply can't understand u.....not to mention your rude comments towards the way you assumed i was raised....which were wrong and completely uncalled for.....but thats ok....kite said it earlier that he realized that he had been asking the wrong people and not doing enough work himself.....and thats exactly the category that you fall into....simply the wrong person to ask....how can i make an intelligent decision on such an important topic when i ask narrow minded people like yourself.

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      Default Re: No porn!!!!!

      Ive been looking at these posts and have to say. "What do you describe as Porn"??? I see nothing wrong with looking at naked women, sex acts in traditional means and in pictures, includinging oral and masturbation. Just as long as it is kept from children. I also believe that what you make out of what you see, read, or hear, is most likely interpeted by what you have learned. If you were brought up to think sex is bad then thats what you'll believe. Everyone will draw different conclusions from what they see based on belief. Unless it is degrading or hurtfull i see no harm. I also have been raised in the traditional Catholic faith, and even though i do not agree in all their teachings, i do have faith in God and most of what is said in the King James version. As fas as the New International, i do not know. I have seen many of the new versions take verses out of context and manipulate what is said. This is why i stick to the King James version. I just think it is wrong for ppl to assume just because someone looks at naked women or men etc that it has to be "Porn" and they are "sinners", and that sex is bad. I also think ppl that push their religion on anyone else is simply wrong. I have looked on a broad range of different faiths, christian, buddist, judaism, muslim, catholic etc. and base my views on a combination. I have found one thing though, many of the quote Christian or born again ppl are those who have commited many wrongs and the biggest sins, and are the very ppl that try to push their views of the Christian faith. They will also tend to use the Christian faith to justify their sins, which in my book is total blasphemy and they are nothing but hypocrites. I also agree that if they made prostitution legal there would be a reducton in stds and in sex crimes. It has been shown that the legalization of certain drugs and prostitution, and them being regulated has shown a lessened amount of both sex and drug related crimes and violence in the countries that have legalized them. Men will seek women no matter what, so why not at least have a method for them to be mandatoraly tested, and liscenced, with fines impended if not up to date. Also the states would be collecting more revenue in taxes, generating more wealth in communities for schooling, construction, roadwork and the rebuilding of cities infrastructures. Oh, and Ed, i go along with whatever my wifes views are on how to raise the children unless it would be a major issue. They seem to know best in these maternal things, and if she doesn't like the "porn" make concessions, or do it privately and don't let in interfere with your relationship.

    15. #60
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      • No porn!!!!!

      • No porn!!!!!
      • No porn!!!!!
      • No porn!!!!!
      • No porn!!!!!
      • No porn!!!!!
      • No porn!!!!!

      This is where we back off and let God reap the seed that we sowed. As you can see, EDEVDR is in this forum posting about a problem we believe him to have. Posted where for him to get help. Now we as christians must step back and let the holy spirit convict him. This is where THERE IS a fine line between judging and conviction. We (Christians) dont get anywhere by judging people although I do agree largewly with your post. We should answer his questions and feed him a little through the bible. Church, faith, religion, Jesus are hard things for some people to come to terms with especially when you havent been brought up in church. EDEDVR, myself, kite, and pl as well as other christians will make ourselves available to you should you need us. My sunday school class today was about your conscience and how God gave that to us to help us discern from right or wrong.


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