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    Thread: upcoming vote on gay marriage

    1. #16
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      Default Re: upcoming vote on gay marriage

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      • upcoming vote on gay marriage
      Angry, I think what Ryker77 is trying to say is that the same ideology that you are unisng in refering to gay marriage can be used to justify any situation. Also the Bible is very clear about homosexualty, it is not your interpetation that makes it just. Sorry, but i don't believe in your interpetations of the Bible and in gay marriage. I don't want a couple next to my home bringing on their values and belief systems to my children do you? Let them do what they will, but i will not condone it.

    2. #17
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      Default Re: upcoming vote on gay marriage

      Yes Mick, the Bible is very clear about gay marriage. But the bible is also very clear on the other subjects I posted above. How do you take those?

    3. #18
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      Default Re: upcoming vote on gay marriage

      Funny but not a good arguement. I've also heard the arguement that Leviticus outlines who it's acceptable and unacceptable to have sex with. It, in most translations, never mentions that it's wrong for two women to have sex, only two men. That must mean it's ok for women. These types or arguements are empty logic. First we are no longer as Christians bound by Levitican law. These were pre New Testament, pre fullfillment. It's strange how you in an earlier post site how the Bible can be twisted to support a view point. This is done by taking bits and pieces of Scripture out of context, which is exactly what you just did.

    4. #19
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      Default Re: upcoming vote on gay marriage

      Quote Originally Posted by kite
      It's strange how you in an earlier post site how the Bible can be twisted to support a view point. This is done by taking bits and pieces of Scripture out of context, which is exactly what you just did.
      That is absolutely correct. Anti gays see the Bible as very clear on homosexual beliefs. But every other subject is just taken out of context.
      Damn, I knew I shouldn't have come in this room. My blood pressure just shot about 30 points higher. I love you guys and respect everyones point of views. We all just have different beliefs on what the Bible says. And there's nothing wrong with that in my opinion. That's what makes the world a great place. We all have different views and beliefs. As long as we all agree to love the Lord and respect, that's all that matters. We all celebrate in a different way. Me, I do not attend Church EVERY Sunday, but do love the Lord with all my heart.
      "Standing in a garage makes you as much of a car as standing in a Church every Sunday makes you a Christian"
      I love that quote.

    5. #20
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      Default Re: upcoming vote on gay marriage

      Quote Originally Posted by angryoldman
      Yes Mick, the Bible is very clear about gay marriage. But the bible is also very clear on the other subjects I posted above. How do you take those?
      Most of these "Other subjects" you post are interpeted by your friends views on the verses in the Bible and not what is written. We should not judge God's law, as it is above ours. I do not claim to be an expert on the Bible, but i do know that if you thoroughly read it, it will explain itself to you. There are reasons why you should not eat certain things and do certain things it is all explained and it is all derived down from the Old Testament to the New Testament and even into Revelations.

    6. #21
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      Default Re: upcoming vote on gay marriage

      Ok, take a deep breath. No need in getting your bp up and stroking out over a civil discussion. It's not that one part is true while the other is taken out of context. When people like whoever wrote the letter you posted make an arguement about the Bible, they disect it instead of taking it as a whole to make a point. It's like saying people from the OT had multiple wives and concubines so why can't we. You have to take it in it's entirety.
      And I love you too, but you can't have my bud light.

    7. #22
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      Default Re: upcoming vote on gay marriage

      Quote Originally Posted by kite
      And I love you too, but you can't have my bud light.

    8. #23
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      Default Re: upcoming vote on gay marriage

      its very very simple. Majority rules. The majority doesn't like gays. The majority doesn't like child molesters.

      The minority will say that its OK to be gay or that it ok to molest a child.

      I don't like it. But the government should give gays the right to marry. But don't force others to like it, watch it , condone it, or accept it.

    9. #24
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      Default Re: upcoming vote on gay marriage

      The Bible IS God's word...it IS unchanging and eternal. End of story. angry..you are obviously very angry at something and you need to read the Bible cover to cover. Do you have a daily time to read the Word? Do you pray daily, througout the day? I can guarantee you, my friend, that if you do..and if you are quiet when you are doing these things and ask the Holy Spirit to come into your life, things will become much more clear to you. You have to walk with the Lord daily if you are to see clearly. This is the problem. People who are not walking with the Lord and are in the Word DAILY are looking at issues through clouded lenses. This world is a FALLEN place, ruled by satan. A friend of the world is an enemy of God. To be with God you have to be willing to put aside the worldly things like "being cool" and "going with the flow" and "just letting things go and tolerate everybody". What did Jesus do when He caught people selling things in the temple? Did He say, "Well, its not hurting me...Ill just leave?". No. You know what He did. By saying no to gay marriage, we as Christians are simply stating our opinions on the subject when the state asks us to--it WAS/IS being put to a vote, so in fact the state IS asking for the opinion. Friends, we have to remember that God doesnt need our help...we need His. He does not need us to stand up for Him by doing things like voting for this or that. God ordained the Christian marriage. I think it is SILLY that we have even the audacity to be discussing this. This shows the level to which this society has fallen to. Whatever you think...however mad it makes you feel...however you choose to twist and turn and misquote God's ABSOLUTE and ETERNAL word does not change a thing. God is in control...not us. I am NOT afraid of anything in this world, because I know who is in control. Yes, things will get MUCH crazier and more lewd and disgusting. Men WILL marry men.. and people will rejoice, women will marry women...babies will be killed by more abortions...people will celebrate..TOLERANCE will be the rule of the day..just as the evil one wants. But we all know who wins in the end. Our discussions here are ABSOLUTELY nothing in the grand scheme of things, friends. No man can change another's heart and turn him towards the Lord with arguing and fighting. We are to affect others ONLY by witnessing to them by the way we live. We all have free will....many are REALLY exercising their free will...doing as they--as the WORLD--says they should--"yeah..it feels good and Im not hurting anyone else..so its ok." Some will open their heart and allow the Holy Spirit in, MANY MANY MANY will NOT. this will be a terrible tragedy. My advice is to take the Word off the shelf...just TRY..read it, daily and open your heart.

    10. #25
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      Default Re: upcoming vote on gay marriage

      "Every time I try to get out, they puuullll me back in."
      All I'm going to say is this:
      There's poverty in the world. There's a chance any one of us might be killed by terrorists before the Nov 4th elections. The KKK is coming to PA and spewing their garbage in Valley Forge Park, a National Park. Abortions, murders, drugs, terrorism, homelessness, etc.....
      And you're worried about whether one guy has the right to suck another guys dick in his bedroom?
      You want to make a difference? You want to do something that I'm 110% positive the Lord will be happy about? Worry about the KKK. Worry about the Malcom X followers that spew garbage about Jews and the white man. Worry about abortions that go on every day. The homosexuals aren't a threat to anyone. They spew no hatred. Sure, morals are one thing. But when you have guys in white capes walking around thalking about "The only good niggar is a dead one", I find that to be more of a priority than gays. IMO, when you get to the pearly gates, I will find it hard to believe the Lord will say "PL, you didn't worry about the KKK and all the hatred. You didn't worry about the abrotions. But damn, you kept those fags in line! Good for you."
      As for all of us being hypocritical, the Bible says : Corinthians 3:16: "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are."
      Now, with the exception to you PL, because I know you never used anabolics, but how about the rest of us using illegal substances. We are all the same people that when the media and everyone else hypes up how bad anabolics are, we yell "Mind your own damn business!! They don't know what they're talking about!!" What if all the gays got together and formed a group to ban anabolic steroids? OHHH BABY! There would be some pissed off people then. I could hear it now! "What are they getting involved in something they know nothing about for?!?!" Then the gays would quote, Corintians 3:16, and all the roid users would say "NO! That's taken out of context!"
      As for my beliefs PL, I love the Lord with all my heart. I know I do, and don't feel the need to act like Reverend Al and spew it all over the boards. The Lord knows I love him, and I speak to him every day. I donate my time to my church by working on the finance committee. I have a tattoo of the Lord on the cross on my back to remind me of what he went through for us, so when I feel things are getting bad, I have no reason to *****. You ask me if I'm angry at something? The only thing that makes me angry is when Bible thumpers can't obey a few simple rules of the Lord. "Who are you to Judge", and "Love one another". I have feelings, but I don't feel the need to judge the act of homosexuality. The Lord will do that in the end. As long as I love one another, and turn the other cheek if I'm slapped, I can sleep better at night.

    11. #26
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      Default Re: upcoming vote on gay marriage

      Lol, Amen! BTW, can i slap you?? Only thing i am saying is that i don't believe in gay marriage. I have nothing against gays, even have some as friends. It is just against my beliefs and values. If they want to pass it then so be it. Everything else i agree with, if you truely love the Lord, you do not have to tell everyone your beliefs, just do God will and be honest to your own self. Thing i do not like is when some ppl feel the need to change verses in the Bible and their interpetations to suite themselves and then argue the point to others to make themselves seem above everyone else or think they will have some higher position than others.

    12. #27
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      Default Re: upcoming vote on gay marriage

      Quote Originally Posted by mick-G
      BTW, can i slap you??
      Ewww, you Homo. What next, you're gonna wanna marry me?

    13. #28
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      Default Re: upcoming vote on gay marriage

      Gotta stir the pot some. Angry if you are a believer, how come you choose to go against God's word? Every reference in the bible I can think of with regards to marriage always refers to man and wife. Nowhere in the good book does it say Husband and partner or Wife and partner (excuse the terminolgy but it is the best I can think of to best describe the gender differences). Not only has God condemned homosexuality outright in the old testement, He doesn not refer anywhere that he condones it. Therefore logical thought follows that he condemns it now too.

    14. #29
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      Default Re: upcoming vote on gay marriage

      Quote Originally Posted by macka
      Gotta stir the pot some. Angry if you are a believer, how come you choose to go against God's word? Every reference in the bible I can think of with regards to marriage always refers to man and wife. Nowhere in the good book does it say Husband and partner or Wife and partner (excuse the terminolgy but it is the best I can think of to best describe the gender differences). Not only has God condemned homosexuality outright in the old testement, He doesn not refer anywhere that he condones it. Therefore logical thought follows that he condemns it now too.

      We already decided that we were going to leave the Old Testament out of the homo issue. Because the Old Testament is chock full of lovely Bible quotes (read my post above at 10:42 am on 9/21)
      And how come YOU choose to go against God's word by judging homosexuals or the act of homosexuality? It's obvious you have a problem with homosexuals or you wouldn't be arguing the fact of gay marriage. So to me, you are not loving one another and judging. Unless you are the son of God, you are going against what the good book says.

    15. #30
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      Default Re: upcoming vote on gay marriage

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      • upcoming vote on gay marriage
      • upcoming vote on gay marriage
      • upcoming vote on gay marriage
      • upcoming vote on gay marriage
      • upcoming vote on gay marriage
      Quote Originally Posted by angryoldman

      We already decided that we were going to leave the Old Testament out of the homo issue. Because the Old Testament is chock full of lovely Bible quotes (read my post above at 10:42 am on 9/21)
      And how come YOU choose to go against God's word by judging homosexuals or the act of homosexuality? It's obvious you have a problem with homosexuals or you wouldn't be arguing the fact of gay marriage. So to me, you are not loving one another and judging. Unless you are the son of God, you are going against what the good book says.
      FYI the bible references are int he New Testament. I am not judging homosexuality, I stand against it. God has declared it wrong, therefore I will not disagree with Him. You are right though I do have a problem with gay marriage. It is wrong in God's eyes and as Christians we have an obligation to uphold our beliefs and God's teachings in the Bible. I believe more reading is needed on your part.


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