This is the fucking wake up call I get today.

“Hey baby, you’ll never guess where I am. The emergency room.”

Last night she goes out with her friends as she is soon leaving for 6 months. She is dancing with her one guy friend who begins to feel sick, and he places his hands over his mouth. The bouncer grabs him and literally picks him up and throws him out the back door. Then he grabs my gf and pushes her out. She falls. So the fuck head is on a row now and decides to push out the other girl (which is a friend of the gf) on top of my gf. THEN he fucking throws a chair on top of them. Well the fat ass friend of my gf sees it coming and rolls off my gf and the chair hits her.

I am so pissed.

At the bouncer for the obvious reasons.

At my girl for putting her self in this situation.

And mostly at her shitty friends. About 3 watch this happen. They don’t even call the cops. Instead this stupid ***** girl (not gf) goes and *****es at the manager, who would not give the name of the bouncer and somehow convinces them not to call the cops. Fucking dumb *****.

So my girl has a bruised forehead, maybe a fractured tailbone (waiting on X-rays), skinned up knees elbows and side, and a fucking chipped tooth.

I am so mad I can’t even talk to her right now.