This morning I was expecting some protein and other stuff from an online supps store. When the time for the UPS dude to get here came I waited around for him. When he showed up, he didn't have my package. Now I'm totally out of protein! It will be two or three days before it gets here. I ordered enough to last a month.
Thinking I could just go down to the local GNC and pick something up to tide me over, I found out their prices were almost double what I pay online. I just couldn't make myself buy any, especially considering that in two days I'll have a ton of the stuff and any money I spent on that would be less money I would have to take my GF out on her birthday this week.
Now I'm faced with shuffling my workout schedule around. I replaced chest with cardio this morning and will probably replace back with cardio tomorrow. I don't like to lift heavy if I can't eat enough protein and if you aren't going heavy, WTF are you doing?
I'm not sure what's worse, rearranging my week or all the freakin' eggs I'm gonna have to eat over the next 48 hours. The eggs will certainly add an "air" of excitement around the office, if you catch my drift.
Sorry to whine in only my second post, but as I was trying to convey why this is frustrating to our obese secretary while she ate her HUGE BAG OF PORKSKINS, I realized she had no idea about or interest in anything I was saying. At least someone here can relate.