Quote Originally Posted by JSom View Post
I don't see anything bad in communism. A minimum of corruption, a law-abiding society, China managed to very quickly stop the spread of COVID in its population. And we are still afraid of every sneeze, because we have this infection walks as it wants. This is how the shortcomings of democracy appear - the people are completely uncontrollable.
if you think locking people in their homes and letting them die is the answer to anything then you should move to china. that on top of they control every aspect of their population including the info on the number of cases they have how many people have died etc. which are all fake and fabricated.

so the gov controlling everything is not the answer in a free society and leads to the collapse of that country and yes china will eventually collapse.

the spin off i have for you is this: if you own a business and you are super successful why the hell should the gov take over your assets and give it to people less successful that didnt earn it? how in the hell is that fair anywhere? do you have more than enough? absolutely but you also earned it and it is yours. i didnt earn it and the gov shouldnt step in and take it from you and give it to me. then is insane and what will drive successful people to take their money and business elsewhere. your belief in propaganda is nuts and taking from the rich because it isnt fair to the poor. we all have the same ability to create and grow. no one is holding anyone else down other than one's ownself regardless of what the colleges and media tell the so called about the ruling class. you are poor under served? then go to a trade school at community college and learn a trade making 30-40-50 bucks an hour. then turn that into your own business and become your own boss. sorry ass fucking people sitting on their ass complaining about not being able to make it because the rich man has got them down and the gov isnt taking care of them. absolute utter horse shit. the beauty of a free country is we have the choice and ability to do and grow by hard we are willing to work. cant afford trade school to make big money busting your ass? the gov has programs for that too as well as companies that offer on the job training.

smh, blown away by someone actually saying china or communism is a good thing. ask that to the poor fuckers in intern camps or that get arrested for speaking out. comical at best