Quote Originally Posted by mtnmedic View Post
I'm not a Pagan, but I do have a real connection to Nature. since I was a small child I have allways been most comfortable in the woods and around animals. I don't know why but something told me to mabe get a book and check it out. reading about Witchcraft really laid out a lot to me. It has NOTHING to do with anything spooky, creepy, or Devil worshiping.. PERIOD. Drinking the blood and eating the body of a God ? Christmas Trees, Lil bunnies and colored eggs, dressing up partying and pan handling for candy at night ? now that's my kind of fun ! The other book on Wizardry is really a warmly written fun book to read. And "TOOTH From The Tigers Mouth" is about Chinese Sports Medicine. Witches Guide To Self Care, and the later I think are both you'll really like. I'm more of a Text Book reader than fantasy now that I'm all old stuff now.
I get it. I do not identify with any religion/group these days. I, like you, feel best in nature too and from a young child too. I enjoy learning about different religions and cultures. Have a keen interest in the history of witches/healers though. A trip to the Museum in Salem has been on my bucket list for a long time.