So my ex called me the other day, she needed a number, so we kinda got to talking about things. I told her I quit talking to my best friend I've known for 25 years or so, he's been playing me and ripped me off a few times. So she tells me she's been over to a new friend of mines hanging out (he and his wife threw me my 50th b-day) she said he offered to have her stay the night and party sometime with he and his wife,... I told this dude about how she just dogged me over eight years. How she walked out on me a few(a lot) times and left me hangin' with a s#itload of bills, cheated on me, verbally abused me and all other kinds of nasty stuff. I confided in this guy, "I consider you a brother, I love ya man" he says. He knows about how this chick screwed me every which way, and how she ripped my heart out and spat on it,.. and now come to find out he's like all buddy buddy with her ? She's supposedly coming over tomorrow, I'm thinking play dumb and just pop over there and see the reaction, then catch up with him another day and telling him to go f#ck himself basically. Wouldn't you all consider that,.. a breach of honor. I'm a forgiving sucker, I screwed up and been forgivin' many times is why I put myself in this. But I mean I thought we're all being for real now ? That's why I stay by myself except for my friends at the Dojo. I just gotta' quit being so gullible and blind. How do you all feel about something like this ?