Good morning FitnessGeared family,

Just want to give evryone a BIG "thank you" for being a part of the best community! We have been around for a long time and many forums have come along since we started. I am happy to see that we still have many members aboard from the beginning, as well as many longterm members in general.

We have some of the most knowledgeable, compassionate, and loyal people here and this is why we continue to thrive! Fuzo and I have busy lives just like everyone else, but we always have time for Fg and never stop coming up with creative things to grow the forum.

Fuzo, and I,are always here for questions, suggestions etc!!!

I can assure you all, FitnessGeared is a place to come to to laugh, vent, learn, make friends and so much more! I can also promise you a drama flame free community where EVERYONE is welcome from the beginner to the Veterans of the bodybuilding and fitness community.

Many of you have gotten to know me and you know that I am a genuine sincere person and I am no different off line.

So on that note...i will end this and once again "thank you all" for your contributions, loyalty and membership to FitnessGeared!
