So Im coming up on two years of being sober. I think ive mentioned parts of it in different threads but to fill you guys in, back in 2005 i became friends with a guy who i lifted with and got caught up selling/using oxycodone. I then became a horrible addict for eight years. I had gone through spurts of sobriety but for only a few weeks. Its now been something like 20 months and this past year i cant even begin to tell you guys how much my life has turned around. First i was hired at a tech company here in tampa, won $30k through a charity giveaway, bought a bike, re-dedicated myself to the gym and started fashion modeling. As of yesterday I moved into a house right next to my job. Instead of driving 50min to work now i drive about 15min and its absolutely wonderful.

Friends and girlfriends will come and go but having an amazing christian family that has stood by me this whole time has been a miracle. I was that guy who couldnt even dream to live without being on pain killers everyday and i felt hopeless, now looking back and using doesnt even cross my mind EVER is something i never thought i could obtain.

Thank you guys for always posting good info, FG has been one of my favorite sites to be on and be involved with. I appreciate everyone's advice and help on my threads. Im 33 and still on the quest to be in the best shape of my life. My goal is by 35 to be in the fitness modeling industry so until that happens my motto is "whatever it takes" to reach my goal.

I just wanted to share that with you guys!