So I had thought i'd have seen it all at walmart, well I got proven wrong today.. I was behind a couple.. Same sex couple.. Well for the time being.. They were talking about one of them having a sex change.. These were not only lesbians but hardcore dykes. Yanno the ones that dress and act like men.. Anywho one of them had only a muscle shirt on with no bra and well with no bra.. This was the one having a sex change and she/he was on Estrogen and Testosterone Hormones and yanno she/he had a mustache and deep voice but you could tell its female... Man I hope I'm not like upsetting anyone but I dunno what to call she/he because in a few months she/he was gonna have surgery to have a dick... Now I respect everyone and try to treat everyone the way I want to be treated but this was the first time I've heard and seen someone who is female wanting to be male. I wanted to take a pic lol but she/he kept looking back at me and I was like " lalalalalala i don't hear a thing lalalalala oh whats this, chocolate, lalalalala looking away lalalala " I didn't know what to do but I knew I had to shut my mouth and look away everytime that person kept looking back.. And then... they frenched kiss to make a point.. AT this moment I was trying to hold back the giggle fits because I didn't know if it was towards me or everyone else staring.. They wern't like talking in whispers, these were loud, loud enough that the lanes besides me heard everything too.. I think everyone around me was doing the same thing I was but you could see the looks of disgust in their faces.. I wasn't disgusted but at the same time being brought up religious I couldn't stop thinking how wrong that was and looked. I'm open minded and everything But never put in that situation. Its one of those things that you might say you will do this and that but once put on the spot you do the complete opposite lol.

Whats everyones take on this?