Boycott GNC! What a ripoff! Today I was at the mall and decided to stop in at GNC to pick up a can of muscle milk(Yes, I know it is a crappy protein)...I take the 2.5 lb can to the register, he says it is $59.95. I said "HUH???? $59.95 for a can of protein that I can buy online right now for 22 bucks!!!? Are you kidding me??"..He says, "You can buy a gold card for $15 and that will bring the price down to $27.99!" ...I said,. "No, I am not going to pay $15 to be able to buy something from you guys for $5 more than What I can buy it for elsewhere. That is unbelievable! Very disappointing. I guess I will have to buy this protein elsewhere"
How bout boycotting GNC so we can put this rip off company out of business once and for all ? They take advantage of young , inexperienced people who dont know any better. GNC should be ashamed of themselves. Sorry if this offends any GNC lovers lol GNC sucks