Like Baby said they will confirm if they have "clean margins" If not they will go back to any spot to remove more I hate to say, I go for full body mapping each year. I did get with a different doc that is very well know for his work and knowledge of melanomas. My other doc was doing to me what you just went through at each appt. I mentally just couldnt take it any longer., Unlike your mine came back negative each time.

Quote Originally Posted by IBT View Post
Squamous according to the surgeons report. 8 spots removed and 2 frozen off the initial visit, those must of have been basal. They have me on some oxycodone and it does the trick. Only take one at a time until right before bed then I take 2 5mg tabs. first time ever taking narcotic pain killers. Makes me feel like I have a nice beer buzz. Had all the biopsies tested and they all came back positive for cancer. Have not seen the bill yet, I had them done at my insurance companies own hospitals, Health Partners so I should be covered. Thanks for the replies.