You wanna know what I hate. Don't get me started.
1 colochine
2 People curling in my mothereffing squat rack
3 walmart in general
4 people that go to walmart ( aside from yours truly)
5 auto correct on my phone
6 People not backing up their lifts with video
7 any one that asks me how much I can curl. I don't ****ing curl because I have a beard and im a man I chop down trees
8 Facebook
9 not getting ketchup in your bag
10 If you cut me off in traffic expect that I am going to follow you so that I can high five your face for the courtesy
11 slow internet
12 cats
13 fat people ordering 3 big macs and chasing it with a diet pop
14 food poisoning
15 getting older
16 my girls mom
17 my insurance liaison at work
18 cigarettes
19 acid reflux
20 armadillo's
21 turkeys
22 cracking walnuts
23 digging holes
24 barney
25 Gumby
26 finding out when I was an adult that Bert and Ernie were a gay couple in a domestic relationship. That ****ed me up for a long time. Not that they were gay that's great. But the fact that I completely missed it. I mean I had no clue and it was so obvious.
27 casinos
28 that tattoo on mike tyons face
29 when you poop in the toilet and wipe your ass and nothing on the paper and nothing in the toilet ( phantom poo )
30 politics

I am a hateful person I could go on until I was blue in the balls.