Quote Originally Posted by exphys88 View Post
You don't having a spending problem if you increase revenue and you don't have a revenue problem if you decrease spending.

Tax rates are at an all time low and some billion dollar corporations pay zero taxes by using loopholes, all while their executives get filthy rich and pay less and less wages and cut medical benefits to the employees that actually do all the work.
Very true. How come the left and the media don't call out Obama for allowing those corporations to pay 0? It's downright despicable.

As for your former statement, "you don't have a spending problem if you increase revenue," there isn't enough income to tax to pay for the level of spending and debt our country has accumulated. Remember, a government's means of income is taxation. I read somewhere that even if you taxed every millionaire in this country at 100% of their income you would only be able to maintain the government's spending for about 6 months. Thus, we don't have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem, and neither party is serious about fixing it. Republicans will spend on defense and Obama will spend on social programs and defense.