EvoPro™: Nature’s Perfect Protein

EvoPro is the protein inside famous Muscle Milk; America’s favorite protein, lean muscle formula. EvoPro contains the same powerful protein, while limiting the fats and carbohydrates. EvoPro was formulated by the ultimate protein designer, nature, to be maximally anabolic and anti-catabolic. We believe EvoPro is the most powerful, clinically complete, perfect protein available.

Four or five small servings during the day is the ideal way to stay anabolic all day long. Never hungry, more energetic. Combining this small portion technique with resistance and weight training will help promote lean muscle mass, the very element crucial to burning stubborn, stored fat.

Studies show that growth factors found in mother’s milk can wake up inborn growth receptors even in adults. EvoPro was designed to pattern these growth receptors, which help boost immunity and growth in infants, and are “turned on” to exert anabolic metabolism. Whether you’re 4 or 44, these growth receptors are ready to be awakened, and lactose free EvoPro is the best way.

A popular misconception is that whey is better because it is absorbed faster. In fact, it is a casein fraction that first empties from your stomach after ingestion, not whey. In total, whey is faster acting, while micellar casein releases protein, peptides, and aminos over a longer period of time. EvoPro contains both whey and casein to provide protein coverage superior to either whey or casein individually.

An anabolic window is a period of time in which potential for recovery and muscle growth is greatest. When the window is open, protein synthesis and muscle growth can occur. Positive nitrogen balance and IGF-I are at their peak. When the window closes, you go into negative nitrogen balance and a catabolic state. EvoPro keeps your anabolic window open longer by delivering the ultimate protein team—whey and micellar caseins.

Glutamine, the most abundant amino acid in human milk, is also high in EvoPro. Glutamine protects muscle, improves recovery, boosts immunity and more. We take glutamine a step further by including Glutamine Peptides in addition to free form L-Glutamine. Glutamine peptides have been shown to greatly increase absorption compared to this amino in its free form.