There are several key ingredients, in order to build big muscles. First and foremost, you should set your weight range during a mass-building program between medium and heavy; only use light weight for warming up or supersetting. Repetition range is also important and will vary depending on the muscle group; six to 10 reps generally work for bigger muscles, while 10-15 reps are recommended for smaller ones.

Experimenting will help you determine which weight and repetition range works best. "Shocking" the muscles (changing the format/order) is also a good idea, so that they don't get used to a certain regiment. In fact, the body will actually become immune to workouts if they become repetitive; therefore, it's advised that you continually vary exercises.

In order to build big muscles, diet is incredibly critical. If you want to add size, your calorie intake must be high. Depending on your body type, you should be consuming at least 3000 to 6000 calories per day. It's not necessary to worry about protein and carb ratio, as you don't have time. Just eat.

Eat at least four times per day if you want to build big muscles. Building muscle mass means high caloric intake, but you should try to keep your diet as balanced and healthy as possible. Like your workouts, vary the types of foods you eat, include some nutritional supplements, and design a system to determine what days you eat junk food.