I prolly did three cycles of M1T @10mg ed with three to four squirts 4-AD 15mg/Finaplix 20g transderm,..twice for thirtydays. So I decieded to drop it to 5mg M1T and the transderm @ two squirts ed,.. I got gyno.. So I dumped the cycle and hit the Tamox @ 60,40,30,20.. It got it down quite a bit cept a bit of residual,..not bad. As of today I'm on day thirty of the same cycle,..the lumps came back and were hurtin' Sunday, so I hit the Tamox again. Lastnight they really hurt. Whats the deal..? This sucks bigtime cause I actually am having better results now doing the longer cycles. I never been in shape like this before y'all !!! I feel like the real Mike like never before !! I max out all my sets, and heavy. All I been wanting to eat is lots of protein, I eat like three chicken breasts at a time, half a salmon,.. no problem. Big ol' bowl of brocc and cheese, yams... I also noticed my mood is different after thirtydays. My fuse is a lil longer and im really happy now, not as edgy and pissy like at the first threeweeks. I dont want to stop just yet,..I feel like im in the zone now,..like how y'all say you dont start to really feel it till week four..?
If this bit of gyno progresses,.. I will just dump it. I think nextime I will start the Tamox on week two and run throughout the cycle. Or maby I just got a shit load of natural test in me now that im gettin' older ?