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    Thread: Test & Review: Dmso & Super One +

    1. #1
      Submission1's Avatar
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      Cool Test & Review: Dmso & Super One +

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      • Test & Review: Dmso & Super One +
      • Test & Review: Dmso & Super One +
      • Test & Review: Dmso & Super One +
      • Test & Review: Dmso & Super One +
      • Test & Review: Dmso & Super One +
      • Test & Review: Dmso & Super One +
      My review and experiences with www.1fast400.com SUPER ONE + and www.researchkits.com roll on DMSO.

      2 x Super ONE+ (8 oz Bottle) = $152.00
      2 x DMSO Roll On = $30.00
      1 x Liquid Clomid = $65.00

      Other Supplements:
      Prolab's N-Large2
      Prolab's Creatine
      Optimum 100% Whey

      Food Intake:
      A LOT. I didn't change my diet as I have been bulking since my '02 Olympia visit. I do about 4-5 shakes a day, one at 2am, 7:30am, 3pm, 7pm, 10pm. Solid meals spaced sometime between each consisting of mostly chicken and complex carbs.

      26 years old
      Start: 221 @ ca. 17% (6/1/03)
      Currently: 230 (6/19/03) ca. 17%
      Years of training: 8
      Haven't tried to max out on bench, but as a gauge: On 5/30 I was pushing a measly 245 for 5 reps, and after 13 days of using I tried the same weight on 6/13, and got a solid 9 reps and it was very close to getting the 10th rep up. I am very skeptical of supplements but knowing my workout and strength, I can't attribute this gain to merely a placebo effect. This stuff works. I have never done a real cycle so I can't compare it to that.

      Wake up at 7:30 shower, apply DMSO roll on and one pump of S1+ to both delts, quads and upper chest. Total of about 6 pumps. Sometime it was a bit more because only half a squirt would come out. I used the roll on to apply DMSO to a surface area slightly smaller than my hand. Then squirted the S1+ on and immediately rubbed it in. (Note: I didn't know what to expect for the consistency of S1+, so for those who are interested, it isn't as viscous water, but much closer to water than a "lotion", like a hand lotion.) I always tried to use my forearm to rub in the application as to not waste solution by using my fingers or hand. Occasionally I used the back of my hand. Make sure you wash your hands thoroughly after application. I didn't do this to start with and rubbed my eye about 4 hours later. It stung and watered like a sum*****. Some people have suggested using latex gloves, but I think that would waste expensive solution.
      Shower at ~9:00, application identical to the morning.

      The DMSO created an intense, warm feeling, immediately after application. Once the S1+ was squirted on top of the DMSO, a very very very warm, almost burning sensation was felt in about 2 minutes. I would equate this to putting Icy Hot on a bad sun burn. (Da sh*t burns!) A few time at night I though about rinsing it off, but then I sucked it up and quit being a *****. After about 2 weeks of applying this to my chest and delts, I had to stop applying in those locations. They became too sensitive and were constantly reddish. I tried applying this to the tops of my feet, back of my knees, obliques. Pretty much anywhere I could reach that doesn't have hair. Your back might be a good place if you have somebody who is willing to apply it there (assuming you're not hairy). There is a bit of a citrus-y or sour smell. It's not bad, but people will notice it if you work closely indoors. It gets to be a bit of a pain applying this every morning and evening after 3 weeks. Especially when the areas are getting sensitive.
      So far I am about 3/4 of the way through the first bottle of both S1+ and DMSO. There is still another whole bottle of both. I haven't decided if I should finish this up and save the rest for another cycle or keep on truckin' through both.

      I shave my head with clippers so I haven't noticed any hair loss. I doubt anything would happen though.
      Testis have shrunk a bit. I was pretty surprised at this. I really didn't think it would be that powerful, but they have shrunk, I can't deny it.
      Over the first week and a half I noticed an increase in energy levels and I was waking up at 5:30am and feeling fully rested. This is very atypical of me. Since this has subsided somewhat. I am still waking up a bit earlier than usual though.
      Dry sensitive skin by areas of frequent application.
      No acne was experienced. I am fairly prone to acne, but this didn't increase anywhere.

      Weight Gain:
      I shot up about 9 pound right away in the 19 days I've been on. I can't really notice a visual size increase of 9 pounds on 221 pounds, but that's what the scale says. I know it's not all muscle, but don't know what part is water/fat/muscle. Will I be able to keep these gains? I dunno, we'll have to see when the bottle runs out and I start clomid.

      I can only draw a limited conclusion after 19 days of use. I think this stuff is for real. It's kind of expensive and a bit of a pain in the ass, but it works! It won't make you huge like the real stuff would. My recommendations, if you are hell bent on keeping it legal (natural???), this is the route for you. If you don't care and have access to the real stuff, with out a doubt, go that way. Would I do it again? If I could get my hands on the real stuff, I would go that way. (I'm not generally an ethical person when it come to matters like this.) Since I can't, I would probably do this again if I hit a plateau and get stuck there for a long enough time.


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      I have been off for a little over a week. I went thru one entire bottle and about 20% of the second. I was one for 4 weeks total. I didn't finish a full bottle of DMSO roll on, but used most of it.

      My strength gains were great. I finally finished off getting 2 reps of 315, which I wasn't even close to a month ago before I started.

      If you are doing more than 6 squirts per application, you'd better find a lot of surface area to cover. I applied to my chest, forearms and delts to start with. Eventually my chest started to get too sensitive and would burn. I started using my quads, sometimes my obliques to wipe the excess off. I don't know where the most effective place is.

      I haven't weighted myself recently, but at last check I had kept about 7 pounds. The most notable were the strength gains. Every day in the gym I was setting new records for reps, especially on bench as this is what I really focused on.

      I would highly recommend this if you are stuck and the gains are coming slowly.


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      Good post. Thanks for sharing Sub.
      SMACKAVELI is merely an online character. The words and subject of this online character by all means does not represent the writer. This is Role Playing only...

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      In retrospect, I think one of the best things about doing a cycle like this is getting pumped to go to the gym like never before. I mean, you start to make a few gains, due to the 1-test, then you start to work out harder. It just feeds off it's self and the intensity levels grow and grow. I can't remember, in 10 year of lifting, being more intense and focused.

      I wanted to bump this byatch back up, cause I spent too long writing it to only have one person reply.


    5. #5
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      • Test & Review: Dmso & Super One +
      • Test & Review: Dmso & Super One +
      • Test & Review: Dmso & Super One +
      Great feedback, although you spent WAY too much

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