Day 1:

Morning of surgery was pretty nervous. I couldn't eat anything and my stomach was growling which made me even more anxious. Pre-op was a breeze and before I knew it, I was out. I came to in the recovery room and they said everything is done and went great. My doc injected me with a local long acting anesthetic at the end of the surgery, so I woke up in zero pain. At this point, the only discomfort I've felt through the entire process was the little bee sting feeling when they started my iv.

They already had my compression vest on that I will need to wear for the next few weeks, but it needed some adjustments. As they loosened the front of the vest, I got a quick peak at my chest and it was amazing. Gyno was gone. I went home after an hour with antibiotics, nausea medicine and pain medicine.

First day at home wasn't what I expected. Mostly just sore with very little pain, probably due to the local anesthetic my doc gave me before waking up. Watched movies with my girlfriend and slept the rest of the day. Only took 1 pain medicine before bed just as a precaution and slept all night. So far, much better than I expected.