I always hear people talk about how they need to take b12. I often wonder how many people are really deficient in it? I think before supplement with certain things, it is good to really know if it is necessary. Why waste your money or put supplements that may potentially have crap in them, if you don't need it.

Now on another note my mother has been severely deficient in b12 for quite awhile now. Has had b12 injections and gets sick every time. they are the B12 Cyanocobalamin injections. Have convinced her to stop those and get a good sublingual B12 methylcobalamin or drops. After looking at many supps at the Vitamin Shoppe they still contained fillers that I do not want her to have. So I found a b12 liquid that is just Purified water and b12 methylcobalamin...that is it!!! She has started taking it so I will report back how she is doing with it and how her next b12 level looks.