WOW this head injury stuff is always hard to read about or hear on TV. Back in my thirties I looked around and realized I was in critical care again for the second time in my life. After checking out all the machines and tubes in me I yelled shit not again. No memory of how I got there or what happened. The next thing I remember my wife and 3 young children were standing by my bed I knew they were my family but could only remember the name of my wife. My wife told me I fell off a ladder while at work and my brain is bleeding and filling up with blood and when I pass out they are prepped to drill and release the pressure then she started crying. Any way it was a night mare but with the grace of God I was home in a five days. After months of bed time in a totally dark room I started my life again. I was a mess with seizures, memory wipes, pain so bad I taste blood and felt like my eyes were being pushed out and my whole left side was messed up. After putting up with this for about three months I call my wife and told I have had enough of the pain and was going to drive off the 805 over pass. I was never suicidal before I always figure if something or someone was giving me grief get rid of it or them don’t hurt your self that stupid. My wife talked me home and the next we went to a pain specialist. After months of experiment with different drugs we found a combination that made me function well enough to raise my family. Flash forward I had been on Prozac, serious narcotics and epilepsies medicine for over ten years. I know all the meds were needed but I had had enough and was going to find a way off and my doctor told me no way you can modify but this is your life. I started studying change my diet took supplement and I was able to cut my meds in half. Then Test and HGH, four years it took to get off all my meds but today I am living a normal life.

I am posting because I know we all have health issues and many more serious then mine but I know that God wants us to seek dominion over or bodies and work to over come. The reason we want to be fit is because we are in charge of our flesh and will shape it to our will. We know better than most that the human body repairs itself because we go work out and tear it down so it comes back stronger and faster.

Thanks for having this board as a resource and all you guys are very positive.

The Best Thing About TRT Is The Cycle Never Ends.