Quote Originally Posted by Torres View Post
It’s a sad , sad , thing guys.
I’ve had demons I have to fight because of alcohol. When I think about it , it makes me sick. I am so strong minded about most everything but those few times I really lost my way. I was lost for a long time and I didn’t really know how to get back in the right direction.
I’ve lost things dear and important to me, but I can say that God has Blessed me severely. Idk where I would be without him, probably dead. But alcohol is a serious thing, and like I said , if you don’t have a strong will, it will take control and waste you away.
Even though I’ve lost a lot of great things in my life because of it, life goes on and tbh I think , I BELIEVE , things happen for a reason. Maybe I was meant to go they those struggles to find something. Or maybe it was there to mold my life in a certain way.
That was then and this is now, no dwelling on the past because it cannot be changed.
I’m just doing the best I can and continuing to push ahead and accomplish my goals.
It’s sad so many can’t look past that alcohol shit.
Sorry for the Rant .
brother when something has you by the balls, you have to take it one day at a time. i know it's cliche and all but if it doesnt kill you and you learn from it you come out the back end a much stronger person. that's the beauty of making mistakes and bad choices as long as you can grow from it. my bid dumb ass dont really tolerate alcohol well at all. if i drink to much i can either go dr jeckal or mr hyde. i can be the nicest person on the planet or the switch flips and i lose my evermore mind and look for a fight. it took me a few times and lots of money rank and positions lost to pull my head out of my ass but i did. i havent drank in probably a decade or so maybe more. i cant say that i ever had a drinking problem in a sense that i did it everyday. i had an over drinking problem when i choose to drink. funny thing is, i stopped drinking and started dd for all my buddies that drank and seeing them acting that way helped my decision not to drink. that and immersing my self fully into bodybuilding. i have a number of friends that were hard core alcoholics before their 4 years were up in the military. that's so sad to me and seeing someone need to start their day off with a beer or whatever to keep from getting the shakes in their early 20s thinking they are hiding it. that to me is a terrible situation to be in and i am glad it never took hold of me