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  • Artificial sweeteners make 'no difference' to health
  • Artificial sweeteners make 'no difference' to health
  • Artificial sweeteners make 'no difference' to health
  • Artificial sweeteners make 'no difference' to health
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  • Artificial sweeteners make 'no difference' to health

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  • Artificial sweeteners make 'no difference' to health
  • Artificial sweeteners make 'no difference' to health
  • Artificial sweeteners make 'no difference' to health
  • Artificial sweeteners make 'no difference' to health
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    Thread: Artificial sweeteners make 'no difference' to health

    1. #1
      FUZO's Avatar
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      Default Artificial sweeteners make 'no difference' to health

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      • Artificial sweeteners make 'no difference' to health
      • Artificial sweeteners make 'no difference' to health

      • Artificial sweeteners make 'no difference' to health
      • Artificial sweeteners make 'no difference' to health
      • Artificial sweeteners make 'no difference' to health
      • Artificial sweeteners make 'no difference' to health
      • Artificial sweeteners make 'no difference' to health
      • Artificial sweeteners make 'no difference' to health
      According to a recent meta-analysis, non-sugar sweeteners make little or no difference to health outcomes, including weight loss, diabetes risk, and BMI.

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      Default Re: Artificial sweeteners make 'no difference' to health

      I'm still staying away from the Acesulfume and Sucralose.
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      Default Re: Artificial sweeteners make 'no difference' to health

      I eat a lot of fake sweeteners. I hope they arent killing me

    4. #4
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      Default Re: Artificial sweeteners make 'no difference' to health

      I have used Stevia for years and before that Equil for over 20 years. So far so good.

    5. #5
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      Default Re: Artificial sweeteners make 'no difference' to health

      Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Ric View Post
      I have used Stevia for years and before that Equil for over 20 years. So far so good.
      i use the hell out of splenda and get lean as hell and feel great. i would love to use stevia instead but it gives me the jungle shits
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      Default Re: Artificial sweeteners make 'no difference' to health

      Sugar in the raw or nothin
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    7. #7
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      Default Re: Artificial sweeteners make 'no difference' to health

      I stopped using that fake stuff. I believe the study but I also believe that they decrease quality of life. This may not be something drastic but they have been mainstream since the 70s and I think these studies are educated guesses.

      Context is everything. Taking this at face value? Not me, so I dug. This study was done by survey data. Yep they simply looked on the internet for data and gleaned what they may off of other people's studies. This is quite common. They do not take $$$ directly from big corps but it may still get funneled in through other means.

      What’s your definition of safe? (From Harvard medical)
      Whether non-nutritive sweeteners are safe depends on your definition of safe. Studies leading to FDA approval have ruled out cancer risk, for the most part. However, those studies were done using far smaller amounts of diet soda than the 24 ounces a day consumed by many people who drink diet soda. We really don’t know what effect large amounts of these chemicals will have over many years.

      And there are other health concerns beside cancer. In the Multiethnic Study of Atherosclerosis, daily consumption of diet drinks was associated with a 36% greater risk for metabolic syndrome and a 67% increased risk for type 2 diabetes. Aren’t these diseases that artificial sweeteners may help prevent in the first place?

      Artificial Sweeteners Are Toxic to Gut Bacteria

      Anyway I will stay away. I use stevia from time to time but if I want sweet i will have a piece of fruit.
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    8. #8
      guns01's Avatar
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      Default Re: Artificial sweeteners make 'no difference' to health

      • Get the Fitness Geared
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      • Artificial sweeteners make 'no difference' to health
      • Artificial sweeteners make 'no difference' to health

      • Artificial sweeteners make 'no difference' to health
      • Artificial sweeteners make 'no difference' to health
      • Artificial sweeteners make 'no difference' to health
      • Artificial sweeteners make 'no difference' to health
      • Artificial sweeteners make 'no difference' to health
      • Artificial sweeteners make 'no difference' to health
      Quote Originally Posted by jipped genes View Post
      I stopped using that fake stuff. I believe the study but I also believe that they decrease quality of life. This may not be something drastic but they have been mainstream since the 70s and I think these studies are educated guesses.

      Context is everything. Taking this at face value? Not me, so I dug. This study was done by survey data. Yep they simply looked on the internet for data and gleaned what they may off of other people's studies. This is quite common. They do not take $$$ directly from big corps but it may still get funneled in through other means.

      What’s your definition of safe? (From Harvard medical)
      Whether non-nutritive sweeteners are safe depends on your definition of safe. Studies leading to FDA approval have ruled out cancer risk, for the most part. However, those studies were done using far smaller amounts of diet soda than the 24 ounces a day consumed by many people who drink diet soda. We really don’t know what effect large amounts of these chemicals will have over many years.

      And there are other health concerns beside cancer. In the Multiethnic Study of Atherosclerosis, daily consumption of diet drinks was associated with a 36% greater risk for metabolic syndrome and a 67% increased risk for type 2 diabetes. Aren’t these diseases that artificial sweeteners may help prevent in the first place?

      Artificial Sweeteners Are Toxic to Gut Bacteria

      Anyway I will stay away. I use stevia from time to time but if I want sweet i will have a piece of fruit.
      they also dont take into account how these morons eat alongside of the diet drinks. nor the exercise factor either. kind of like that person that rolls into mcdonalds orders a number 2 and 3 with 4 pies and adds in a super sized fries and diet coke. or the diet soda drinker that is pounding pastries and sweets like it is going out of style. just my take on what i see the majority of the population doing on a daily basis
      TGBSupplements REP


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