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    baby1's AWESOME BLOG


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    Quote Originally Posted by BABY1 View Post
    1. MACA – Balances Hormones, Increases Stamina, and Boosts Libido

    Maca root has been used in indigenous Andean societies as a source of nourishment and healing for thousands of years, and continues to be one of the most appreciated superfoods out there today.

    Used to increase stamina, boost libido, and combat fatigue, maca root has long been regarded as a highly adaptogenic food. It’s also high in minerals and essential fatty acids, making it great for hormonal balance.

    It’s tasty too; an earthy flavor with a hint of butterscotch, so it’s easily blended into superfood smoothies, various milks, chocolates, or mixed into flour for dessert recipes.

    Maca Powder

    2. BRAZIL NUTS – Great source of selenium

    Daily Power Snack = Brazil Nuts, Goji Berries and Cacao Nibs

    2 Brazil Nuts
    1 tbsp of Cacao Nibs
    2 tbsp Goji Berries

    This powerful trio will give you a boost of energy, and curb your sweet tooth.

    Through my studies, I found out 2 Brazil nuts a day supplies the human body with its daily requirement for selenium, an important trace mineral high in antioxidants!

    While people only need a very small amount, selenium plays a key role in the metabolism. Couple that with the anti-oxidant powerhouse of goji-berries and cacoa, and you’ve got yourself a fabulous power snack.

    Cacao has been growing in popularity due to its nutritive and health-enhancing properties. It is rich in magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, copper and potassium.


    – Reduces stress, helps sleep and regulates digestion.
    I believe Magnesium is one of the most silent and widespread deficiencies in the world right now. While magnesium used to be an abundant in our soils, conventional farming has completely stripped the essential mineral.

    Common dietary staples also deplete magnesium. A few examples:

    Processed food

    Produce from depleted soil
    The body uses magnesium for everything from proper hormone function, to cell regeneration and healthy bone formation! So it’s important to supplement.

    Magnesium will help you sleep better, stress less and regulate your digestive system, all of which are major factors in balancing out those lovely hormones.

    I recommend a product called Natural Calm – The Anti-Stress Drink by Natural Vitality. It comes in several flavors, and I take it about 30 minutes before bedtime. I personally like the Orange flavor (reminiscent of my Tang days).

    4.HEMP SEEDS – Good Source of Essential Fatty Acids (EFA) and Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA), which help balance hormones.

    Hemp seeds contain a healthy anti-inflammatory 3:1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fat. They also contain an especially beneficial type of omega-6 fat called GLA (gamma linolenic acid). It’s a direct building block of good anti-inflammatory hormones. This special omega-6 fat is not typically found in foods (in fact I think hemp seeds are the only edible food source of GLA.)

    The best part? Hemp Seeds contain all 10 essential amino acids, and 3 Tablespoons of Hemp Seeds = 11 grams of protein!

    I’m always on the lookout for easy ways to add plant based proteins into my diet, so I sprinkle it on everything from smoothies to salads.

    I even make a Super Healthy Hemp Heart Cookie that’s moist, dense, loaded with texture and healthy enough to eat for breakfast!
    Hemp Hearts

    Abby’s Hemp Heart Cookies

    1 tbsp chia seeds + 3 ?tbsp water (Chia Egg- combine ingredients and let sit for 5 minutes)
    3/4 cup crunchy almond butter or nut butter of your choice
    1/3 cup coconut palm sugar
    1 tbsp raw honey or organic agave
    1/2 cup of almond flour
    1/2 tsp. baking soda
    1 tsp vanilla extract
    3/4 cup hemp hearts
    1/4 cup of shredded unsweetened coconut
    handful of dark chocolate chips (optional but recommended)
    Super simple instructions: Combine everything in a bowl. Roll into balls. Place balls onto a greased or parchment lined cookie sheet. Flatten cookies with a fork. Bake at 350 for about 10-12 minutes. Enjoy!

    5. Dandelion Root Tea – Promotes healthy liver function. Detoxifier.

    Everyone loves a quick weight loss tip, right? Even thought this trick isn’t for permanent weight loss, I swear by the detoxification and health benefits of drinking Dandelion Root Tea.

    Dandelion Root is full of essential vitamins and minerals for your body. It’s packed with Vitamin A, Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C, and Vitamin D, along with zinc, iron and potassium. This tea promotes healthy liver function, so drinking it aids your body’s natural detoxification process by helping to break down fats during digestion. As a result, your body can carry away waste better!

    Dandelion tea can help you beat water retention, cut down on caffeine consumption, and serve as an herbal detox.


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