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    baby1's AWESOME BLOG


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    come and go. I believe there is opportunity in each, and every day. Many of them are simple...show their face then....POOF...they are gone. As our awareness increases, we will sense these opportunities. The ones that we mostly notice are usually presented as big, and requiring thought and decision. If we are not present, and functioning with high anxiety, we are missing many other opportunities. Small and simple can be just as BIG.

    When we focus on "self", so many opportunities are seen. Our need to fix/control what we cannot, will keep us from knowing our true self.

    Some opportunities will come, go, and never reappear. Some will keep appearing, though they may be small, so pay attention.

    An "AH HA' moment is a great opportunity for growth.

    that's my Monday story and I leave with that

    Keep growing! No pain no gain!



    Pro Wrists Straps
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    www.Fitnessgeared.com is a Bodybuilding Fitness health & Training Discussion forum for all levels from beginner to advanced. We offer everything from Nutrition, Supplements, Fat Loss, Weight Training, Dieting, to achieve your goals to get in the shape you want.