Quote Originally Posted by snickers1 View Post
why not dry out with salt loading and then use just tiny bit dierurectics near the end???? ...relying in dierurectics is crap shoot you might dry all the way out or you body might react funny and then you spill over and look watery come show time... sorry mikey you told his deal before and to me it was scary as hell
I know it all sounds scary. But using diurectics in competition is about as common as a child eating boogers. If you think of the amount of Insulin these guys use, that should scare you more than diuretics themselves. Fact is, when I was going to compete, I knew I was going to have to use Lasix. I didn't like it, but it was a fact I was going to have to get used to. Just look at the cycles pros run. Using Lasix should rank about number 12 on the "most scariest things bodybuilders do" list.