Well sisters and brothers here it is;
Im on week two, inject #3 of a twelve week 250mg every six day Enanthate cycle. It's Sheerings' Testroviron,..when I started I was 162 today im 167, short tempered, swole and horny as hell. It feels really good,..best high I have yet to experience. The injects give me a huge andrenalin rush cause of the fact, no big deal just me. I like doing delts with the lil 25g 5/8s' better than hitting quads with the 23g 1"s', they take a lil more time but I can work'em better. My first was my quad,..the dermal was tough but then it jus sunk like a hot knife, man was I rushing big time ! It hurt for a few days. The next two were in my delts,..yesterday the needle bounced so I went into my left again, when I was going in I felt the give of a blood vessel, registered,..and drew blood. So I went back and did the right with no problem. Gonna take Mick's advise and do them after a good warm shower so I dont bounce'em anymore.lol. Anyway It's hard to express all the good im feeling finally. I waited a real long time for this, it's not jus the gear it's the path to achieving the goal I've allways wanted. To come back from my wasting syndrome and prove to my doctors that I know of a way to beat this HIV crap,...on my own (and with the help of some REAL friends who understand). This is'nt jus for me it's for everybody ! Anyway im getting all amped typing this and im fixin' ta hit the gym in a few. I will keep y'all posted on my progress as I go.