Well it's finally offical. I have officially begun my first cycle about 1.5 hours ago.
Here's a brief overview of the plan.

Duration:12 weeks

Week 1-10: 300 mg QV Deca
Week 1-12: 500 mg QV Test Enan with an additional time for tappering down a few weeks at the end


Might end the cycle with some Winny but I haven't decided yet.

I spent this past weekend drinking it up since I knew I wouldn't be able to endulge in the nectar of the gods for a long time. I guess I was spending quality time with the longest relationship I've had before I had to dump er. It was bitter sweet.

My first shot went smooth as butter. I took a late lunch and went home only to find that my roommate had decided to do the same. Bastard. Anyway, 1 cc of Test E 250mg/ml and .5 cc of Deca 300mg/ml mixed and warmed under warm running water. Spot injection in the Deltoid with a 22 gauge pin didn't hurt at all! I was completely amazed how easy it was.
It is a little sore now but that is to be expected.

I'm looking forward to the next one on Thursday!
I can't wait to start feeling its effects and am hoping its a little less than the average 4 weeks.

Anyway, I'll keep everyone posted as to my results.

I'm currently 6'3" 230 lbs. I'm hoping that jumps up to at least 250-255 at the end. That's a lotta eating. Feel free to comment.