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    Thread: First cycle has begun!

    1. #1
      Emptee's Avatar
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      Thumbs up First cycle has begun!

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      • First cycle has begun!

      • First cycle has begun!
      • First cycle has begun!
      • First cycle has begun!
      • First cycle has begun!
      • First cycle has begun!
      • First cycle has begun!
      Well it's finally offical. I have officially begun my first cycle about 1.5 hours ago.
      Here's a brief overview of the plan.

      Duration:12 weeks

      Week 1-10: 300 mg QV Deca
      Week 1-12: 500 mg QV Test Enan with an additional time for tappering down a few weeks at the end


      Might end the cycle with some Winny but I haven't decided yet.

      I spent this past weekend drinking it up since I knew I wouldn't be able to endulge in the nectar of the gods for a long time. I guess I was spending quality time with the longest relationship I've had before I had to dump er. It was bitter sweet.

      My first shot went smooth as butter. I took a late lunch and went home only to find that my roommate had decided to do the same. Bastard. Anyway, 1 cc of Test E 250mg/ml and .5 cc of Deca 300mg/ml mixed and warmed under warm running water. Spot injection in the Deltoid with a 22 gauge pin didn't hurt at all! I was completely amazed how easy it was.
      It is a little sore now but that is to be expected.

      I'm looking forward to the next one on Thursday!
      I can't wait to start feeling its effects and am hoping its a little less than the average 4 weeks.

      Anyway, I'll keep everyone posted as to my results.

      I'm currently 6'3" 230 lbs. I'm hoping that jumps up to at least 250-255 at the end. That's a lotta eating. Feel free to comment.

    2. #2
      wheelbarrel's Avatar
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      Congrats bro, it gets easyer. Next time think about using a 25 gage pin, easyer to hide the pin holes.
      Mod @ beyondmass.com

    3. #3
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      Yea, I tried but the only place that would sell me the pins only had these. Everywhere else gave me this crap about needing an insurance card and doctor's written excuse..etc. Like I'm tardy for elementary school or something.

      I figure I'd just take what I could get.
      I did notice the hole though.

    4. #4
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      Well I think I was a little too presumptious yesterday. A couple of hours later my delt swole up, quite noticable actually. It got increasingly difficult to raise my arm. I kind of expected that though. I knew it was going too good.
      I kept waking up in the night because I'd roll on that side. It's not a pleasant sight when I'm woken up.
      Nothing I can't handle though.

      Quick question: Should my spot injection cycle be modified to coorelate to my work out schedule? I went to the gym tonight, and I know that I could have worked out my shoulders but it would not have been very productive. Any suggestions?

    5. #5
      malitz's Avatar
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      Should my spot injection cycle be modified to coorelate to my work out schedule? I went to the gym tonight, and I know that I could have worked out my shoulders but it would not have been very productive. Any suggestions?
      My suggestion is to shoot in the glutes. I just started my 1st cycle a few days ago and did my first injection in the ass. Honestly, there was no pain, no flare up, and here's the kicker: I went and trained legs afterwards and everything was fine.

      I know a lot of people on here are strong advocates for delt injections, and that's cool. However, I've heard from a lot of users that flare-ups can occur when shooting in the shoulder area. My cousin was on a Deca/Test cycle and the 1st few times he injected in the shoulder he had the same problems as you. Afterwards, he began glute injections and never went back. There's so much meat there, it's intuitive for it to be the ideal place to shoot.

      The only problem with glute injections is that they are hard to do by yourself (if you're a newbie). I'm not comfortable injecting when I can't see what I'm doing, so I have someone doing it for me. If you don't have that luxury, it may be a little complicated the 1st few times.

      All the best with your cycle bro.

    6. #6
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      Thanks for the advice.
      I'll try the glute next time in a couple of days and report back as to the results.

      I was also wondering if perhaps I put the pin in too far. I think the pin in 1.5 inches and I put it all the way in. It didn't hit bone or anything but since I'm new to this, it could be the reason. It probably more plausible that my delts are just more vulnerable to inflammation. I hope that ends after a little while because I would like to alternate sites to reduce the possibility of scar tissue.

    7. #7
      jfa55's Avatar
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      Honestly, i dont ever go on my delts with anything bigger than a 25 gauge 1". My delts only see winstrol. My glutes will take anything except the winny. I had some painful times using winny in the glutes. Just some friendly advice

    8. #8
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      Thanks for the advice.
      I hit the glutes yesterday and although it was sore later that night, it's not really that bad today. I've got more of an issue with my calves. I worked the shit out of them two days ago and I can feel them rebuilding as we speak. Such glorious pain.

      I think I might try the same delt sometime in the future to see if I get the same result. But mainly I'm gonna stick to the glutes.

    9. #9
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      I shot in my right ass cheek the 1st time and it was a little sore 2 days later, but then by the 3rd day it was fine. I'm going to do my 2nd shot on the other side to give my right side some time to heal. I think that if you're only doing 1 shot a week, then there's no reason to shoot anywhere other than the glutes.

    10. #10
      badasz32's Avatar
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      the first two shots in my ass were sore for 3-4 days but the more I do it the less it hurts. I am on my thrid week and its nowhere near as tender as the first two times. When i was sore i bought a heating pad and it helped so much try that if the ass hurts.

    11. #11
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      Well this is the beginning of week 3.
      Things are going pretty well. I've been sticking to the glutes.
      For some reason my left glute seems to flair up a little more, so I try to keep with the right. I did a 1/2 cc in the left on Friday and it was a little sore but not enough to take notice.

      Other than that, I've gained about 5 pounds, slow and steady I guess. I'm waiting for the feeling of it kicking in. I do see some slight strength increases but nothing super noticable. I have been getting a lot of comments though about my appearance. A lot of people say I've gotten bigger and make note of it. I tell them that's what happens when you put your diet and workouts in check.

      I'm waiting for an explosion that I'm not to sure if I should be waiting for though. I hear it doesn't kick in till the 4th or 5th week. What happens then? Large mass increases, large strength gains, both, neither?

    12. #12
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      Emptee, your cycle is similar to mine (I'm on my first cycle as well). I am doing the DECA but only doing 250mg TEST [en] a week. I didn't want to get too crazy big in one cycle or everyone I know would be talkin S**t! I'm one week behind you. Let's see how we compare! Keep posting!

      Lift for show; Eat to Grow


    13. #13
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      Oh the beauty of oyur first cycle. It only gets better!!

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