IGF Diary.

Yesterday I received my IGF from nonconsumables. I will keep a running diary for the next four weeks and let all of you know if IGF is worth it. Here’s the run down. I’m currently in my 8th week of a 16-week cycle. Here’s my cycle.

1-16 1000mg/wk test enanthate
1-16 Fina75mg/eod
1-6 D-bol 50mg/day
7-16 Anavar 30mg/day
7-16 prop300mg/wk

JUST ADDED 8-11 IGF 50mcg/day

Wk 1
5’10” 208 9%bf

Wk 8 (today) 11/4/03
5’10” 220 11%bf
Flat Bench 345lb x 2 reps
Leg Press 1000lbs x 6-8 reps (I don’t do squats back injury)

I know everyone says that you should use the IGF by itself to really get a true feel for how good it works. But I have done enough cycles that I will be able to notice if the IGF is making a difference. With my current cycle without the IGF I would probably gain another 6-8lbs in the next 4 weeks and maybe add another % to my BF. Adding the IGF, I will be ecstatic if I can gain another 10lbs and drop 2% bf in the next 4 weeks.

If it works well, I will add IGF again to my post cycle. Took my first shot this morning 25mcg and I’ll take another 25mcg before training.

I'll keep posting every couple of days.