Made it back yesterday. All in all it was a good session. Haven't went in the tanning bed since I burnt in there. Guns, you were right once again! I will just stick to the natural sun, and even minimize time in that. I am better a pale face...

Tues: Back, Arms, Abs +
30 sec sprints

Wide-grip lat pull-down 3 X 15, super-set with Narrow Reverse-grip pull-down 3 X 15

One-armed DB Row (each arm) 3 X 15, with Stability ball Roll-outs as active rests 3 X 15

Seated cable row 3 X 15, with V-ups on bench as active rests 3 X 15

Bent-over BB Row or T-bar Row 3 X 15, jumprope for a inute in between sets

Standing Alternating DB Curls 3 X 20, super-set with Bench Dips 3 X 12

Machine or BB Preacher Curls 3 X 12, super-set with Narrow

Push-ups 3 X 12

Triceps Rope Push-downs 3 X 12, jumprope

Overhead Triceps Rope Pull 3 X 12, with Bicycle Crunches as active rests 3 X 25

30 sec sprints on treadmill