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    Thread: SFG’s “lets be honest I probably won’t follow through” journal

    1. #76
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      Default Re: SFG’s “lets be honest I probably won’t follow through” journal

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      putting in work brutha.. nice

    2. #77
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      Default Re: SFG’s “lets be honest I probably won’t follow through” journal

      What’s up everybody, it’s your favorite inconsistent fren.

      I did fall off again but I’ve been preparing to come

      I am officially almost done with school. 4 more classes left but I’m going to split up the work load over the next 2 semester to have more time.

      I had my baby and he’s healthy and getting nice and big.

      Works been insane, Combine all 3 and when I did have the time to workout I chose chilling and having some time to myself instead.

      Things are getting ready to turn around.

      Like I said the time and work spent on school is finally about over.

      I put my notice in at my job and I’m starting my own business come January. I will be more busy with the new business but I will have the authority and flexibility to give myself the time and ability to workout and eat correctly, my current job does not give me these luxuries.

      I’m installing the AC this weekend in my garage and if all goes well this weekend I will have a functional gym in my garage.

      I have an assault bike
      Power tech lever gym (look it up, badass machine)
      I have 500lbs+ in plates
      I have different bars and handles for cables
      I have a dip bar and pull up bar
      Weighted vest
      Ruck sack that holds plates for rucking
      I also have dumbells and a curl bar as well as a barbell.
      I’m getting a leg curl/extension machine ASAP.

      I should be able to do about 90%+ of what I was doing in Afghanistan when I was at my largest and strogesr in my gym.

      Part of the reason I don’t workout eniugh here is I HATE driving to the gym, waiting on machines, working our abs driving all the way back.
      Now I literally walk into my garage and I’m ready to go.

      I’m very excited.

      I’m starting my diet next week.
      And hopefully the garage will be ready for workouts in a week or 2 but 100% ready by the end of the month.

      I’m going to workout in the morning before I even start work.

      I’m high fat right now so I’m going to hop on keto u too I lose the weight then slowly add in a little more protein and carbs and a little less fat.

      I’ve done keto before and one of the only things I didn’t like about it was most of my food needed to be made fresh or at least like that day and I just didn’t have the time, now I do.

      I have my cycle planned abs have most of it already. Just need to grab some t3 and some adex or aromasin.

      I was going to run hgh at 4ius/ed for 12 months but I got screwed out of that order so that won’t be happening.

      Like I said diet will be keto.
      Currently 3 meals and 1 large smoothie/protein shake
      Breakdown is:
      75% fat
      23% protein
      7% carbs

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      I never meant to be better than anyone, I was just born that way. Its hard being a god amongst peasants!

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      Default Re: SFG’s “lets be honest I probably won’t follow through” journal

      More specifics of the diet, workout and gear usage:

      Workout routine:
      Monday: Back+abs (30 minutes of cardio)
      Tuesday: Arms (1 hour cardio)
      Wednesday: Chest+shoulders+traps (1 hour cardio)
      Thursday: Legs+abs (30 minutes cardio)
      Friday: Ruck March/full body/sandbag (no cardio)
      Saturday: Rest day, maybe a quick arm burnout/superset for bi’s and tri’s
      Sunday: cardio only - 1 hour

      This is similar to the way I worked in Afghanistan and it worked well for me. Besides arm day, back day is probably my favorite day and it’s a day I hit hard so it’s what I’m going to do the very first day of the week to kick things off right.

      Test E 500/Ew
      Tren E 300mg/ew
      Proviron 50mg/ed
      Adex 1mg/eod
      Ostarine 20mg/ed
      Cardenine 20mg/ed

      Going to do a 4 week dbol kick start at 50mg/ed, I know dbol holds water and isn’t a “cut/fat loss” drug.

      Dbol makes me feel incredible physically and mentally. Between that and the strength gains I’ll see in the beginning I really think it will keep me motivated on the right track. So the dbol isn’t for cutting it’s for the strength to help the mind set and motivation.

      Going to also start t3 at a low dose for a few weeks and slowly ramp up to about 50mcg for a while and eventually I’ll slowly pyramid back down and get off.

      After the dbol is done and the t3 is kicked up a notch I’ll throw some clen in there probably a 2 on, 2 off, 2 on, 2 off cycle.

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      I never meant to be better than anyone, I was just born that way. Its hard being a god amongst peasants!

    4. #79
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      Default Re: SFG’s “lets be honest I probably won’t follow through” journal

      I forgot a more detailed breakdown in diet.

      Breakdown is:
      Calories - 2,720
      Protein - 203g (23%)
      Total fat - 275g (70%)
      Saturated - 66g
      Carbs - 62g (7%)
      Net carbs - 44g
      Fibers - 18g
      Sugar - 20g (natural sources)

      I’ll be adding in a fiber supplement as well as a coupe vitamin and mineral supplements.

      Meal 1 (post workout protein smoothie):
      1/2 cup mixed berries
      1 cup almond milk (unsweet)
      Flax seed 1 tablespoons
      Chia seeds 1 tablespoon
      Ground turmeric 1 tablespoon
      Ground ginger 1 tablespoon
      Cinnamon 1 tablespoon
      2 scoop standard whey protein (chocolate)
      1 scoop green super foods
      10g of glutamine
      10g of creatine
      Vitamin d3
      Vitamin b12
      Omega 3 mineral oil

      Meal 2:
      Keto coffee pod
      4 whole eggs
      4 slices of bacon
      1oz of cheese
      (Onion, peppers abs mushrooms in eggs)

      Meal 3:
      5oz 80/20 ground beef
      1 cup of cauliflower rice
      1 tablespoons of avacodo oil
      2 slices of cheese
      2 slices of bacon

      Meal 4:
      4oz chicken thighs
      1 cup mixed veggies
      1 table spoons avocado oil
      2 slices of bacon
      2 slices of cheese

      I will adjust the diet as time goes on based on how I feel, hunger, energy and of course weight loss.

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      I never meant to be better than anyone, I was just born that way. Its hard being a god amongst peasants!

    5. #80
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      Default Re: SFG’s “lets be honest I probably won’t follow through” journal

      Did not get time to go shopping this weekend so diet has not started yet.

      Don’t worry, I’m not giving up to early yet. I really want to make a change. I’m not the same man anymore. It effecting my marriage and I don’t want my son growing up to knowing me for the person I am now or have been the last 2-3 years, it’s not who I am.

      On a posative note one of the reasons I didn’t have time to shop is I made huge progress on my garage. It was floor to ceiling basically the entire garage of junk and storage.

      It’s over halfway cleaned out.

      I got the AC installed and I got the wall about 80% put up.

      I have a little more work to do before I can clean up and assemble the gym itself but I made huge progress this weekend.

      I got a bunch of other shit done around the house too, quality of life things, stupid little half done projects and a couple things my wife’s been wanting for a long time I havnt done yet that I finally did.

      I’m have class tonight but my goal is to work on the garage at least a little more tonight and throughout the week.

      I’ve been listening to a ton of diet, training and interviews while at work lately to keep me focused and keep me motivated. Really just trying to saturate my brain with lifting and eating right and not think about anything else.

      My diets been dog shit still but I don’t have anything else to eat at home yet.

      I’m hoping I can fit in shopping tonight. We really need to go anyway and people are freaking out about shut downs again so I want to get what I need before that bullshit starts again.

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      I never meant to be better than anyone, I was just born that way. Its hard being a god amongst peasants!

    6. #81
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      Default Re: SFG’s “lets be honest I probably won’t follow through” journal

      Doesn’t look like much but about 2 weeks ago this garage was front to back almost ceiling height junk and storage.

      It now is sealed and insulated. Had an AC unit installed and a wall put up and painted.

      Going to keep working this week.

      This weekend should have the equipment and squats rack out together. Still have some cleaning to do and some stuff to get rid of but I’ve made huge improvement and leaps forward. Can’t wait to get the equipment out together.

      Havnt started my diet officially yet but I’m eating keto focused foods and have begun cleaning my diet up already.

      Breakfast was about 5 eggs and 3 slices of bacon.
      Dinner was a chicken breast, green beans and some potatoes.

      I did my first shot yesterday, I’m hoping to have everything ready and start my diet and start working out in about 2 weeks. So I’m basically preloading my gear right now.

      First shot:
      250mg test e
      150mg tren E
      25mg aromasin.

      Waiting for the rest of my cycle to come in.

      I will add proviron 50mg everyday once I start working out
      I will also add dbol 50mg everyday once I start working out.

      Should also have my hgh in roughly a month.
      I’m going to run a 5 day on, 2 day off split for 12 months.

      Going to start at 2ius and up it by 1iu every month until I’m at 5ius daily.

      I will run 5ius for the remainder of the time.

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      I never meant to be better than anyone, I was just born that way. Its hard being a god amongst peasants!

    7. #82
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      Default Re: SFG’s “lets be honest I probably won’t follow through” journal

      Pics from a little while ago. Made a lot more progress since then. Another week or 2 and she’s ready to go.

      Last day of work is this Friday. Family is coming in town next week and I’ll eat like shit but after that is meals prep and workouts.

      I’m on pin #3 currently, with #4 tomorrow.

      Currently running:
      Test E 500mg/ew
      Tren E 300mg/eq
      Aromasin 12.5mg/eod

      Once I start my meal plan and workout in about 2 weeks i will be adding more.

      Dbol 50mg/Ed for first 4 weeks
      Aromasin 12.5mg/eod
      Proviron 50mg/Ed

      After I lose enough fat after a about 10ish weeks or so I will probably add superdrol into the mix. Nothing on the planet has raised my strength or size like suoerdrol mixed with tren e and test e.

      In about a month or so I will also be adding gh in a 5 day on, 2 day off split.
      2ius month 1
      3ius month 2
      4ius month 3
      5ius month 4+

      I will run 5ius until I run out which should be right around the 12 month mark.

      If I find I’m not like the feeling or possible sides I may lower the dose but go to every day injections instead of 5 on 2 off.

      I’m still working out the fat lass side outside of the dieting and cardio.

      Considering t3 and clen to aid in fatass.

      Also considering t4 to aid in gh use but I’m still researching it and I’m not sure the costs of the t4 is worth the added benafit.

      I may also give DNP another run although I’m not a fan of how hot I get. I’m already a hot person. So mixing tren and DNP tends to make me sweat my entire ass off and makes me angry and irritable.

      Maybe try a different approach this time.

      I’ve run dnp, tren, clen and so on but never t3 so I think I may run a clen t3 combo, possibly add some ketofin In at night and do a lower dose clen cycle for a longer duration. Still working that aspect out.

      Anyway that’s the update for now.much mor work to go just to get ready to start and get back to work but I’m feeling good and motivated and I finally have the equipment I’ve been trying to get for about a year and I finally have it setup in the garage and ready to go.

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      I never meant to be better than anyone, I was just born that way. Its hard being a god amongst peasants!

    8. #83
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      Default Re: SFG’s “lets be honest I probably won’t follow through” journal

      Family came in town early for the holidays. So I’ve basically gotten my holidays out of the way already. I have a Christmas Eve dinner and Christmas dinner with unhealthy food but other then that my partying and shitty food has gone already. Ive been super busy setting you the business but I almost have the garage ready to go. It took longer then I expected Becuase of the family visit I had to basically take all my Christmas and business stuff and throw all the boxes into the garage.

      Also I had to get new shelves, the ones I got were not big enough or flat enough. So I had to buy Jew shelves, set them up, transfer everything over and reset. But I’m pretty organized now.

      I have a little bit of that left to do, a little bit more foam, caulking and painting and then I just need to get the equipment in it’s final spots and we’re good to go.

      I may build a dead lift platform as well but I’m running out of room lol.

      I did not weigh myself yet either. Sometimes I focus to much on the scale. I will do a weigh in before just to know but I’ll be going off the mirror more then the scale now.

      I have not technically started any diet or workout yet. That being said I have been drinking less soda and alcohol, drinking more water. Sleeping a little better and just matching overall healthier food choices. I’ve had a few friends comment that I look good and that it looks like I’ve lost weight and I personally feel better.

      Of course it’s all water weight and bloating from the shitty diet, high sugar and alcohol but it’s a little win and confidence boost. I’ll take it lol.

      I also got my hgh in and have that stashed away.

      Gym should be setup by next weekend hopefully.

      I will start my diet and training then.

      I will start the hgh probably right after Christmas and then it’s game on.

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      I never meant to be better than anyone, I was just born that way. Its hard being a god amongst peasants!

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      Default Re: SFG’s “lets be honest I probably won’t follow through” journal

      Thinking maybe I get this thing fired back up again?
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      Default Re: SFG’s “lets be honest I probably won’t follow through” journal

      get after it man
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      Default Re: SFG’s “lets be honest I probably won’t follow through” journal

      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      get after it man
      I'm on it!
      I never meant to be better than anyone, I was just born that way. Its hard being a god amongst peasants!

    12. #87
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      Default Re: SFG’s “lets be honest I probably won’t follow through” journal

      ok, so quick update.

      I have not really worked out at all since stopping this log.

      at my biggest and my lowest point I was a little over 290lbs. drinking constantly, sleeping like shit and eating pizza and donuts and whatever god awful thing I could do instead of therapy.

      I typically hover between 280-290lbs the last 2 years or so. I told myself id never go up another pants size and luckily I've been able to maintain that and not keep going up.

      I have been intermittent fasting and dieting for maybe 2 weeks. To be honest I've been really enjoying it and I eased myself into so I'm still eating decent foods, not starving myself and treating myself to the occasional cookie when it fits my macros for the day. I learned A LOT the last few times I tried and failed about what I can and can't eat and how much things like condiments can make a difference if you aren't paying attention.I also never realized how much calories was truly in alcohol and your boy loves his cocktails. Turns out I was drinking pretty much my entire caloric intake per day and then also eating pizzas lol, no wonder I blew up so fast.

      I started my diet at 285lbs. I am down to 274 this morning with zero exercise and no increase in water consumption.

      I have lowered my alcohol consumption drastically. I still drink but I measure my drinks. 2oz per drinks 2-3 drinks per day max. I mix with Coke Zero now too.

      I will slowly start to increase my water consumption tomorrow.

      Todays meals:
      woke up around 9am
      strike force energy (0 calories and 0 sugar) and water throughout the day.

      First meal was about 4pm - grilled chicken Caesar salad from habit burgers about 700 calories
      also 2 small sips of my sons vanilla milk shake

      25 minutes of cardio (cross-fit air bike) after lunch.

      2 cups of mixed salad
      2 tbsp of light Caesar dressing
      9.7oz of steak
      1 tbsp of steak sauce
      4oz sweet potato with some can't believe its not butter
      approximately 867 calories

      x2 - 2oz papas pilar blonde rum
      1 can of Coke Zero split between the 2 drinks

      will update with any snacks or anything later but I'm about done for the day. maybe finish off what's left of my potato.

      I moved to a new house and my garage areas is a tad smaller. Is halfway setup but I have more work to do. I will work on it a little more tomorrow and try to get the gym back up into a somewhat running shape to start occasional workouts.

      right now I'm trying to keep things light and fun so that I don't immediately hate it again. I try to start out where I left off when I was in shape and then end up hating everything. so hopefully not this time. Im in a good head space right now but its a struggle everyday. I think this time may be different.
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      Default Re: SFG’s “lets be honest I probably won’t follow through” journal

      what i tell people about alcohol is this, it is empty cals. meaning it doesnt do shit for your body. take a chocolate cake or some junk food. yes it is junk but it does have things in it that your body can use. alcohol on the other hand really doesnt do dick. so i would rather have someone eating the occasional cake opposed to drinking. the cal trade off is huge. if i were going to drink i would opt for the new low cal drinks they have out now but then again i am not a fan of drinking. i think of it as every time you drink it is like taking 2 steps forward and then drinking and going 3 or 4 steps back. myself i am a fat kid at heart and sweets are my weakness. booze kills my performance so i have opted not to hit any cocktails for shit probably 15 years. this year i broke open a 30 year old bottle of johnny after i competed and had two shots and that was it. that was the first drink literally in 15 years and it will probably be another 15 before i do it again.
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      Default Re: SFG’s “lets be honest I probably won’t follow through” journal

      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      what i tell people about alcohol is this, it is empty cals. meaning it doesnt do shit for your body. take a chocolate cake or some junk food. yes it is junk but it does have things in it that your body can use. alcohol on the other hand really doesnt do dick. so i would rather have someone eating the occasional cake opposed to drinking. the cal trade off is huge. if i were going to drink i would opt for the new low cal drinks they have out now but then again i am not a fan of drinking. i think of it as every time you drink it is like taking 2 steps forward and then drinking and going 3 or 4 steps back. myself i am a fat kid at heart and sweets are my weakness. booze kills my performance so i have opted not to hit any cocktails for shit probably 15 years. this year i broke open a 30 year old bottle of johnny after i competed and had two shots and that was it. that was the first drink literally in 15 years and it will probably be another 15 before i do it again.
      Oh totally. its wasted calories, wasted energy. I can't ever stay hydrated because of it.
      Ill try to stop eventually but I genuinely enjoy having a cocktail with dinner and when I get home from work. Im just trying to drink way less overall.
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      Quote Originally Posted by sofargone561 View Post
      Oh totally. its wasted calories, wasted energy. I can't ever stay hydrated because of it.
      Ill try to stop eventually but I genuinely enjoy having a cocktail with dinner and when I get home from work. Im just trying to drink way less overall.
      that's what most people do man. they like to have one with food and or to unwind from work my wife does the same thing. i guess i am lucky and have never been much of drinker esp after getting in trouble for fighting and when you have alcohol involved right or wrong you still get in trouble. so that was enough for me. one beer and a fight and still getting in trouble fuck that now if i have to beat some ass i know if i am in the right a drink or two wont turn the tables on my ass haha
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