
Battle ropes 6 sets
Kettlebell swings 4 sets
Medicine ball slams 3 sets
Wall balls 4 sets
Farmers walks 4 sets (3 sets of a drop set style)
Seated calve raise 3 sets
Lat pull down 3 sets

After last week I really enjoyed doing this style of training, like a conditioning with weight included instead of bodybuilding type workout so I went with it. I also went this way because my ankle was a little achy after basketball, nothing major but I figured I'd rather be safe than sorry so I didn't want to deadlift or squat. I had a lot of fun doing this workout. At first I was going really quick between sets but as the workout went on I started to slow down. Might stay with this style for my Thursday workouts moving forward but I'm still up in the air about it.