
Flat bench 6 sets (last set drop set)
Incline bench 4 sets
Peck Deck 3 sets
Rope extension 4 sets
Underhand extension 4 sets
Side handle extension 4 sets

I've been away a few days, last week was hectic. I started a new position at work so I should be ready to get back rolling on a daily. Workout was really good. Overall getting to the gym should be nice, its a little more busy but should allow me a bit more energy during to train that much harder.

The one thing I'm dealing with is digestive issues. I'm going to a chiro and eat time he pushes on my stomach and comments how it's so tight, he keeps repeating it like it's odd that it's staying that tight even after he works on it each week. He recommends I increase my digestive enzymes and hopefully it will help. I always knew I held my food in my upper stomach, almost like GH bloat, figured it was just how my body worked. But this chiro has me thinking, theres more to the story.