

First game back on the court since I hurt my ankle which is also the first day after squatting for the first time in a month. My legs were sore and even foam rolling and stretching before the game was tough. Once I got going though basketball didn't feel that bad, I was a little ginger at first with the sore ankle but after a bit of time I was getting at a full sprint before realizing I was really moving like that. The worst part was between games when I'd cool down a bit and would have to get it loose again.

The last game however I either jumped and hurt it. I felt one specific jump when I landed and though, oh no but nothing to stop me but after that I was ready to be done playing, the last game I was pretty sore with my ankle. Today it's sore but it could of been worse I suppose. It felt great to be back on the floor, running around and getting quality cardio in.