
Squat 4 sets
Weighted pull 4 sets
BB curl 4 sets

T bar row superset with box jumps 3 sets
Leg press superset with preacher curl machine 3 sets

Jumprope superset with facepull and hammer curl 3 sets

Legs felt kind of sore and tired. Glutes were def sore after basketball. Workout was really good though. Took a little longer to get the legs firing and warm but after that everything was as expected. The pull ups were really good, much better than the last time I did them. I also increased my box jump, our gym just has 2 wooden boxes, can't really adjust the heights but someone took 2 aerobic step boxes and put them under the box, it only adds a few inches but I went with it to see how it was. I was able to get on them pretty easily however I still had to concentrate to make sure I didn't hit anything. Good workout though