
BB curl superset with rope extension 4 sets
DB hammer curl superset with underhand extension 4 sets
Double cable high curl superset with EZ bar behind the head extension 4 sets

Thought the workout would give me a nice pump throughout my whole arm. As I've been supersetting things I've been getting really good pumps and this was decent but not as good as I had hoped. Can't win them all I guess. Overall it was just a blah workout. I had the whole second floor of the gym to myself which was nice but never was really able to get in the groove. I also had a tight neck from the night before, sitting on my girls couch watching a movie my neck got all funky. So after the lifting and cardio I did some YTI's and extra face pulls to try and loosen things up a bit. It cracked pretty good afterwards but it wasn't until late in the night that it really started to feel better.

Still haven't weighed myself, I need to do that this week.